Chapter 21

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C.J. was the first one up that morning, at 6 AM. He looked around the room and saw Jeff sleeping on the floor next to Isaac's bed, Samuel falling into the crevice in between the bed and the wall, and Marceline nearly falling off the bed. C.J. changed into his t-shirt and khaki shorts, and walked outside holding his baseball hat in his hands. The view from the motel room once again looked amazing and the sun rise hit the rolling hills perfectly. Some of the birds were hanging out in the trees and the others were on the pavement of the entrance. "So this is why Isaac woke up early yesterday, its awesome out here," C.J. thought running up and down the  pavement.  

Eventually, Samuel woke up to find Isaac and Jeff talking on Isaac's bed, and Marceline talking to someone on the phone in the motel room. "Morning guys," Samuel said as he let out a loud yawn, as he stretched his limbs like a lanky cat. "Good morning dude, sleep well?" Isaac asked, plopping on the bed next to Samuel, nearly losing his glasses as he caused the bed to jump with them. Samuel nodded snickering at Isaac's weird facial expression, which was Isaac trying to look like some concerned mother from the 40's. "Sweet, hey, has anyone seen C.J.?" Jeff asked, sitting up. Isaac shrugged, "Well, Marceline's on the phone with Ivy so should we ask Ivy or something?" Marceline spoke up, "I asked Ivy whenever Samuel woke up and C.J.'s fine, he's in the break room eating Raisin Bran with Ivy and watching "Pinocchio" on the small TV in there." Isaac sighed with relief, "Great, we cant afford to lose anyone in Europe." Samuel got up and began to put on his clothes from under the covers, but of course Jeff was being ignorant and threw the blankets off of the poor boy after he had his shirt off. "Jeff what the fuck!" Samuel called out, kicked Jeff in the chest hard with his bare foot. Jeff rolled his eyes and said, "You need a shower man. You smell like the mold from the barn, with a mixture of shitty water." Samuel rolled his piercing eyes as he got up off the bed and took his backpack into the bathroom to shower. But once he was inside the bathroom, he called out, "Anyone have soap?" Marceline dug for a box which contained lavender scented soap that her grandmother gave her just in case she needed it, and handed it to Samuel, who was sticking his pale wet arm out the door. "Thanks Marceline!" he called as he closed the door and locked it, mainly because Jeff wanted to embarrass him, but Samuel was much smarter than Jeff, and he was always a step ahead. But he was still annoyed by the guy, even if he was with the group, Samuel felt like Jeff wasn't being himself. And that he was hiding in a rotting shell. 

"So, as he's showering, one of us should go and get some breakfast. I've heard it's free here," Isaac said, putting his socks on. Jeff nodded, "Yeah, maybe Marceline should. After all, she is getting along just fine with Ivy." Marceline shrugged, "I don't care, but Ivy said that we're welcome to eat with her in the break room. So maybe we should do that?" "Yeah, lets do that," Isaac agreed, as he put on his old Nike's. "Yo Samuel! You almost done in there?!?" Jeff yelled, banging on the bathroom door. "In a minute Jeff, I'm putting my shirt on!" Samuel called from the bathroom. "Jesus Jeff, calm yourself," Marceline said, putting the phone away. Jeff shrugged and plopped down on Samuel's bed. Samuel came out moments later and the group settled on eating in the break room.

The walk to the lobby was pretty quiet, except for the nearby traffic of the cars. They made it to the lobby and raced down to the break room, Jeff swung open the door and yelled, "WAZZUP BITCHES!?" and then he fell on the floor. Ivy and C.J. died of laughter as the ate their cereal. "Hey guys, sleep well?" Ivy asked, taking a bite of cereal. Isaac nodded, "I think most of us did, but when I woke up, Jeff was on the floor, Marceline was hanging off the right side of the other bed, and Samuel had fallen in between the crack of the wall and the bed. And then of course C.J. wandered off and we all thought that he had been in the bathroom." C.J. gave Isaac a "are you stupid face". "Why is he giving me that face?" Isaac asked, standing behind Samuel. "Really Isaac?" Samuel asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"What!? He's a JD remember?"

"Yeah but I'm a lot lankier than you, and less-muscular than you! So why do you hide behind me?"

"Uh... all I have to say is drink more milk."

"I haven't had a decent meal since out little trip to Wendy's man."


"How does one eat calcium?"

"Shut up."

"Are you clowns done yet?!" C.J. asked. Samuel nodded, walking towards Ivy. "So Ivy, where do we get the cereal from?" he asked. Ivy pulled her hair out of her face and pointed to the pantry in the corner in the room, "I basically live in here, remember?" she explained. "Oh, uh thanks," Samuel hesitated. He opened the pantry door, revealing German food brands. "How do you say these brands, also what are they?" Isaac asked Ivy. Ivy sighed and pointed to each food group in the pantry. "Pop-Törtchen is Pop Tarts, Kleiner Debby Zimt Rolls are Little Debby Cinnamon Rolls, and Raisin Bran is just Raisin Bran," she explained, sitting down and getting on her phone. "What about this thing?" Jeff asked, pointing at a box of some sort of breakfast bar. Ivy shrugged, "Oh that's Natur Tal Natur Bars, or the Nature Valley Bars. Enjoy breakfast guys, because I'm taking you to get some decent clothes. Well, mainly Marceline. I feel like you're a 90's grunge kid." Marceline nodded, "You are correct my good woman!" as she gave Ivy finger guns. "We get to go to a German mall?" Isaac asked, sitting next to Ivy, trying to get to know her better. Ivy nodded, "Yep, I bought bus tickets yesterday, plus we have a lot of money so... I got ya covered, sweetheart." "Well, thanks Ivy," Samuel said. Ivy winked, "No prob Bob."

That morning went by pretty fast, soon Ivy told the group to follow her to the bus stop. "So Ivy, do you go to school?" C.J. asked. Ivy shook her head, "Nah, I'm home schooled because my dad wants me to take over the family business some day. Or like when I'm like, thirty." "Oh," C.J. said looking down at his shoes. The group came to the bus stop and the bus arrived right on schedule. "Okay guys, these people don't understand English that well so just follow my lead, okay?" Ivy said. They all nodded, and got on the bus. "Hallo, wie viele heute?" the bus driver asked. He was a tall, thin man with a white scruffy beard and very tan skin. Ivy replied, "Sechs, Sir." The bus driver took the tickets and punched holes in them, and handed them back to Ivy, "Sie haben jetzt zwei Busfahrten ohne Bezahlung, junge Dame." Ivy nodded and thanked the bus driver. "What did he say?" C.J. asked, sitting in a seat next to Ivy. "He said that we have two free bus rides left after he punched the holes in our bus tickets," Ivy explained, holding onto the rail in the bus.  "So, how do we know what people are saying?" Marceline asked, sitting next to Samuel on the bus, trying to fix the back of her shoes, which were stepped on by Jeff when they walked on the bus. "Just follow my lead, and don't say anything. I'll explain to them that you're American and don't speak German," Ivy explained. "Oh thanks Ivy," Marceline said. "Ivy, I see you being more German than New Netherlandish," Isaac said. "That's because I've lived here for four years Isaac. I learn different languages pretty fast. Plus my mom was American so I leaned English from her," she explained. The bus drive soon announced what the destinations were and the bus took off. "Erste Station ist Frankfurt." "Did he say Frankfurt or Frank fart?" Jeff asked. "Frankfurt you dingus," Ivy said, rolling her eyes. "Which is the next stop," she added as she held onto the handle bars of the buses seats. 

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