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"My name is Bobby Drake. I am one of the famous X-Men. I have the power to manipulate and create ice. I am a student at Xavier's school for Gifted Youngsters in New York. My life has changed in so many ways since I came to this school. Before I came here I felt like an outcast and I was afraid of myself because I didn't know how to control my powers. Since I have gotten here I feel accepted and I have become more powerful and am no longer afraid of myself or of hurting others. My best friend is John also known as Pyro. We clash in obvious ways like the fact that his nickname is Pyro and mine is Iceman. We are a lot like each other though. We both love video games and hanging out to play foosball or pool. I always ruin his flirting attempts with girls. He always is trying to impress them and I have no idea why because if he would just stop and talk to them instead of feeding them a dumb line they would probably fall in love with him. I should have written that Pyro used to be my best friend. He sadly went to join Magneto our rival. Magneto can control metal and he is Xavier, our principal's, old friend. Xavier isn't really a principal he is more of a mentor or guardian but he does run and own the school so principal is the only word that would really describe him well. My friendship with Pyro was really good until he left. I always knew he didn't like the way that Xavier ran the school but I never thought that he would leave to help Magneto.

My ex-girlfriends name is Rogue or Marie. She could take people's energy so in a mutant's case their powers in a human's case their life. She hated her power so when they discovered a cure she jumped on the opportunity to get it. I knew when she got back that we would not be able to be together anymore and to tell you the truth I was okay with it. She had been distant for months and I never thought I would figure out why but it was always the fact that we couldn't kiss without me getting hurt and we couldn't even hold hands unless she was wearing her gloves. It really eats away at a relationship when you can't do the things that everyone else can do. I was okay with the break up but Rogue thinking that I wasn't okay with her abilities was what tore me apart for months. I would stay up at night thinking about what I did that made her feel like I hated her but one night it dawned on me that she was the one that told herself that her powers weren't okay. it wasn't me and I felt at peace after that. The battles I have been in since I got to this school have been intense but still kind of fun. It has taught me a lot about myself and my powers." I wrote the words down hoping they would make me feel better. It is always good to vent in writing. Plus my teacher Storm had told us to write an emotional story about our time here at the X-Mansion. I stood up from my seat and handed it in. Storm smiled at me and said I could leave. I walked out and saw professor Xavier waiting outside the door.

"I know you know what I wrote." I said casually walking past him.

"Yes, it was very touching. That actually isn't why I am here though."

"Really?" I said very surprised.

"Yes, I just wanted to let you know that there is a new student coming to our school soon. Hopefully sometime this week or next week. I will know more tomorrow. Anyway I just wanted to see if you would take care of her. Show her around the mansion. Help her with her classes and her powers. Just be like a big brother to her."

"Yeah, sounds great." I said getting excited to meet a new student. "How old is she?"

"Seventeen, just like you."

"And what is her power?"

"She can create and control molten metal."

"Wait what?"

"You will understand once you meet her."

"Okay, whatever you say boss." I said walking back to my room. I went to the rest of my classes and hung out with my friends like normal but it bugged me that there would be a mutant that could stop things easier than me. I mean I can freeze people and it is more of a temporary solution but to have someone that can most likely spray liquid metal onto people, that's intimidating. I was walking to my room to head to bed when I saw The Professor coming over to me.

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