Author's Note

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Hey! Feels here, with another Legend of Zelda AU!

Before we start with the story, I wanted to say a few things.

1. This story is a joint effort of me and my amazing older sister. Since this is a dual POV, I write the parts from Zelda's perspective, and she does Link's perspective. I really hope you like her writing style as much as I do! She also made the cover, not bad for her first time using the app!

2. This story may seem rather slow and short at the beginning, but trust me, it will go from 1 to 50 pretty quickly once things start getting intense. :)

3. Thanks for reading Camp Hylia, my first published LoZ work! It is doing really well! Yay!

4. This story is probably pretty terrible, but I heard that we're the worst critics of ourselves, so maybe it's not as bad as I think! Maybe.... XD

Well, enough of my ranting, lol, onto the story!


Just Like Old Times: A Legend of Zelda AUWhere stories live. Discover now