Chapter 49.

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'How do you feel about Slade Johnson being in your life?'.

Now if you ask me that, I'll have plenty to say.

Honestly, I couldn't imagine another life or world without him in it.

My life needs a Slade Johnson, and he's the best one for the job. Because he's the only Slade Johnson.

The loner bad boy, who didn't play by the rules.

The one all feared and respected.

The one with selfish intentions, because he was afraid of being selfless towards others (his true self).

What seemed to me like a normal day turned into sometime bigger when I first met Slade.

I never thought that day would impact me in such a way.

I never thought that day something both different, odd, yet exciting would occur to me because nothing really occured in my life.

It never crossed my mind that day would change everything.

That was the best day of my life.

Before him coming into my life I was thee Geek.

Thee nerd.

That thing.




Go away.





My life meant nothing, but school.

School was my priority because it was the only thing I was good at in life.

When I was in a classroom taking a test or taking notes I felt smart, and I knew nobody could take that away from me.

You would think that would give me some sort of pride or dignity.

It didn't, because there was a price to pay for being that smart.

I was a target.

Confidence seemed to flee away from me.

I still felt weak, because everybody was against me.

They all had it in for the biggest dork in the school (ME).

My whole life I lived in fear, isolation, pain, hurt, stress, depression, and confusion.

I felt empty.

I didn't even have the heart to discuss such matters with my parents, whom trusted and loved me dearly no matter what.

My life wasn't even average, because I wasn't average.

I wasn't enough.

I was below average.

An outsider.

Tossed to the side and ignored by the whole world.

Then he came along.

And got my head spinning.

My heart desiring to fly out my chest.

My nerves to kick in everytime I would speak to him.

My whole body, mindset, and heart wanting every part of who he was, no matter the cost.

He lifted me up all the times I had fallen.

He mended what was broken within me.

He took the time out to build trust between us and pick up the broken peices that consisted of my heart.

Geek Transformation.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ