Move On

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It's been awhile since that day. Charles is never come back here, because he needs to be responsible for what he did. He will marry as soon as possible, remembering the baby in that lady's stomach. Oh, yeah, I forget to tell you. That lady's name is Angela. Angela Mourrelia.

Elena is really angry to Charles. How could Charles do that with Angela, when she still on his side? Sometimes, Elena feels so tired of thinking about this. She feels like she wants to move somewhere. Or she just go to the hell, heaven, or wherever it is, looking for Edward and live with him.

But it sounds so impossible. And an idea comes to her brain. Move on. Yes, move on. Head up, fake a smile, and move on. There are lots of men in this world, and it's not hard to pick one of them and make him Elena's lover. She still young and beauty too.

"Okay, Edgar, so, we need to get ready, work on the restaurant, and find a new man. Sounds cool, eh?" she asks to her little Edgar who still doesn't know the meaning of move on and bunch things that Elena says.

She hold Edgar, and get ready to restaurant, same as years ago, the first time she steps her feet to Netherland Hindi.


She still making up table, same activity like the most day in her life. She drops menu book, when a man says, "Good morning, my lady."

She looks at him. He looks so handsome. She feels like having deja vu. This is like doing a flashback, walks to the past when she met Charles for the first time.

"Good morning," she answers, after she can control her whole body.

"What is your special menu?" he asks, playing his cigarette.

"This, you can look it here. Just read the description below the name," she says, standing and waiting for that man.

"You are the one who cook all of this?" he asks.

"No," she answers quickly.

"What is your food?" he asks.

"Nothing. Usually, I make 'es kelamud', and if you want it, you come to that counter for asking some," she says, and back to her position, waiting.

"I want that. But I want you to make it. Not another person," he says, put flame on his cigarette.

"As you wish," she says, turn back with pounding heart.


Is she fall in love? Oh, you must be kidding. She can move on that fast? Come on, she fall in love at the first sight.

She pours some coconut to the glass. Sometimes, she smiles to her own imagination. Sometimes, she laugh a little because of her imagination, and sometimes, she jumps happily because of her imagination.

Mrs. Gertrude, the restaurant owner smiles at her. Some of the costumer complaining about the taste of 'es kelamud' that never been the same since the day she broke up with Charles. Mrs. Gertrude smiles because Elena can find her new love. Love can make the taste stabile again like before.

She walks like a supermodel to that man's table. "Here you go," she says, while sneak a peek to see his handsome face.

"Thanks. Um, by the way, what's your name?" he asks, to the point.

"Elena. Elena McFayden," she says, blushing. Her imagination is popping up again. She is really happy that the man wants to know her name.

"Nathan. Nice to meet you, my fairy," he says, very gentle. It's enough to makes her blushing so bad in front of him.

"Ummm, I gotta go back to my work," she says, holds the menu book and walks like a supermodel in her catwalk.

Nathan still stares at her. Yes, he fall in love at the first sight, too...

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