Reality or dream?

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"Elena? Is that you?" asks a voice.

"Ed... Edward?" she asks.

"Elena? Oh, this must be a dream," he says.

"Yes... But... No... But... I don't know. I hope this is not a dream," she says.

"Me too. Where are you?" he asks.

"I'm the one that should ask you that. Where are you? I'm missing you so bad," she says.

"I'm here... Always looking for you," he says.

She saw him. Edward!

"Ed... Edward? Is that... You?" she asks, not sure.

"Yes, babe. Come here," he says.

Elena can't controls her legs. She walks to Edward. Faster and faster.

"I always love you. I always dreaming of you every night," he says.

"You think that I'm not missing you, huh?" she asks.

"Yeah, I know..." he says. And then, he hugs her. Very long. And her lips feels so warm. She can feels butterfly in her stomach. Her heart beats faster. Her blood bleeds faster in her body. Like when she was in Titanic.

"I'm sorry. In Titanic... It's not a goodbye kiss. Because I will love you, forever, without any goodbye. It's an endless love, you know?" he asks.

"Yeah. And I will love you, baby. Forever," she answers.

"I'm glad can find you here," he says.

"Yeah. I hope this isn't a dream," she says.

"Me too. But, how about if this were a dream?" he asks.

"Then I hope that I will never wake up again. I want to stay here. Forever. With you, love you," she says.

"How about our son?" he asks.

"Um, yeah. But I don't want to lose you. You are my biggest star," she says.

"I know. I'm afraid to losing you too..." he says.

And every thing becomes really dark.


Sun is shining really bright.

"Ugh. Edward? Edward?" she asks.

There's no answer.

"Edward??? Edward??? Where are you? Why every thing becomes dark?" she asks.

There's still no answer.

"Edward?" she asks, opening her eyes.

Just a dream? she asks to herself. Yeah, that's just a dream. All those sweet things. Just a dream.

"Hhhhhh, I woke up. This is totally bad. I will never see him again," she does a monologue.

She looks at the clock. One second later, she is jumping from her bed, run to the bathroom. She grab her son, wash him in the bathroom.

Ten minutes later...

She walks out from the bathroom. Some smoke still flying in the air.

"Okay, let's go to Charles' house. I need to take care of him until he can walks again," she says to her son. She know that her son doesn't know what is she talking about. But her son is the only person in that house.

She walks excitedly to Charles' house.

"Charles?" she knocks the door.

There's no answer.

"Charles?" she asks, worry if there's something happens inside there.

And she feels that she just caught by karma.

"Charles?" she still knocking the door.

Bugh! There's something fall inside there. She is totally worry.

"Charles, open the door!" she screams.

Theres more sounds inside there, and she knew that there's something happens. She looks at the window, and she knew that she's right.

She punches the window, make her hand bleeding. But she doesn't care. And no one could figure out this: she jump from outside, kicking a head.

And that head is the "evil man"'s head. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE???!!!" she screams loudly.

She punches his face. He catches her hand, punches her stomach.

"You know what? I FOUND MILLIONS JERKS LIKE YOU WHEN I WAS 16!!!" she screams madly, punches every thing in that house. She puts her son on the chair near there.

"Hahahaha, and I kill millions girls like you when I was 16!" he screams.

She puts a kick on his face. He can't avoid it.

He gets up madly, punches her stomach. She can't get up anymore. She remembers about Charles. She looks to the room, looking for Charles. Hey, where's Charles?

She screams a little. There is Charles! Pulling that man from floor, punches his stomach.

She knew that she has a cance. She tries to get up, no matter how hard it is.

Then she kicks his butt. That's it. He sitting on the corner, bleeding. She grabs his cloth.

"Don't you ever come back here, because nobody will ever see your head again!" she screams 10 cm from his face. He can smell mint flavour when she was screaming.

She pulls him, then she says," Get outta here!" with that evil sound.

He runs very fast, like at the restaurant.

"Are you okay?" Charles asks to Elena.

"I am the one who should ask you that," she says.

"No, your life is the first priority. I will never forgive myself if you lost your life here," he says.

"It's okay. I just feel a little pain on my stomach, but that's okay. I always do this when I was 16," she answers with a wide smile on her face.

"Really? Are you a gangster when you are 16?" he asks curiously.

"No, but I'm a debt collector. I mean, there's a lot of jerks who borrows my dad's money, and they will never pay that back until I did that," she says.

"So, I'm fall in love with a debt collector, eh?" he asks. Joking.

"Ex," she corrects it.

"Yeah. Ex," he says with a smile on his face.

"So, I'll cook a bowl of soup creme for you," she says.

"Thanks. Are you gonna stay here until night like yesterday?" he asks.

"Why not? I take some holidays from the restaurant," she answers.

"Great, so, I'd like to eat one bowl of soup creme, Mom," he jokes.

"Mom? Geez, my son will kill you if he can," she jokes back.


"Look at the biggest star. It's you. Always you," he says.

"Yeah, I know," she answers.

"And I want to be the smallest star," he says.

"Why?" she asks.

"Because you'll search me. Search for my love," he says.

"Damn you," she says.

"And we'll complete each other. The difference between us will complete each other, right?" he asks.

She looks at him.

Edward is her prince in her dream. Charles is her prince in the real world.

And she lives in the real world, not in dream...

When She Was 18Where stories live. Discover now