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Carpathia. Here she is, looking for nothing. Still wondering what will happen for the rest of her life. She looks at her son. He is the blueprint of her husband. She hugs her son, and everything become really dark.

She wake up in the morning, and that's the worst sunrise she ever seen. No, not because of the sun turn in to blue or something. It's because she can imagine the sunrise yesterday. Imagine her husband. Imagine all those sweet memories. When her husband still alive that can kiss her anytime she wants, hold her hand anytime she wants. Still tell about stars when night comes.

But she can't live like this forever. She needs to know, where she is. Someone tell her that Carpathia was sailing from New York City to Fiume, Austria-Hungary (now Rijeka, Croatia). She never thought that she can aboard here.

And she needs to face another one big problem: that she is illegal passenger and can't get two free tickets to England. No, she want to come back to England not because her family. Her family has been dead 2 years ago, when they catch a dangerous ill and die one by one.

She just wants to back to England because she knew how to live there. One more time, she crashes the reality that go back to England need big costs, and she doesn't have any dollar. She needs cheaper cost. But reality says that she can't.

Her eyes turn bigger when she saw a ship that use to pick up things is resting near there. This is the only chance that she can use. Wherever it goes, she will join. She just can't stay in the Croatia, because she doesn't know how to live there, the language, and all things in there. With her one-year-old son, she runs in to the ship when nobody else see them.

That’s it. About one or two hours, the ship's engine is start working. She just hopes that she can back to her home land, England.

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