A hard life...

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Moon is shining very bright. She can remember it. The first time she meets her husband. And now, she will never see her husband again.

She can't turn her head back. That is really hard. She can't see her husband sinking with the Titanic. Another tear is fallen to her cheeks. Truly, it's totally impossible to forget her lovely husband. It maybe needs her entire life. She still remembers how happy she is, when her husband says that they can go to New York with that awesome Titanic, even being an illegal passenger.

And now, everything is just memories. She can't turn back the time. She must look the future, that she have a one-year-old son to take care. Another tears fallen to her cheeks. She knew that crying can't solve anything, but she doesn't care about that quote anymore.

Everything that she sees becomes blurring because of tears. But then, she crashes the reality that there's no more time to crying. She needs to rowing, help those firemen that seem very tired because of rowing.

One of the passengers takes care of her son while she is rowing. That's totally the worst night that she ever feels. But she remembers that she had a one-year-old to take care and get a good future, even without a dad.

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