First step

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A hot day in Jayakarta again. That man again. He waits for Elena like yesterday, reading a book on that table. More people comes to that restaurant make that restaurant one of the most successful restaurant in Jayakarta. And it started when Elena sign up to be a maid in this restaurant.

Maybe, Charles is a clever man. He fall in love with Elena, a pretty woman. You know Marilyn Monroe? Hotter than her. That way, she gets a nickname: Angel. More eyes looking at her every day. More roses and love letter comes to letter box. More chocolate delivered to that restaurant for her. All the present, at night, she gives to the restaurant crews. They eat all chocolates, laughing when reading the love letter, and take the roses for toy.

He still waits on that table. Sometimes, he look at his watch, and then read the book again.

And tonight, as usual, he asks the same question like before, "Would you like to have a dinner with me?"

And all the crews in that restaurant says, "We will take care of your son."

World is totally crazy. That night, she has a dinner with that man.

He brings Elena to a big restaurant. She can feel romantic atmosfer in that restaurant. One plus point for Charles!

If we can accumulate, Charles' point is 51. Keep tracking!

Charles start the dinner perfectly. And that's enough to make all the girls who hanging out there whispering to their gang that they are jealous to Elena.

Totally awkward situation...

But Charles can control the situation. He open the conversation between them, make all the girls whispering to their gang. You know what? Charles is the most-wanted-man-to-be-my-groom in Batavia, especially in Netherland community that live there.

And no one can have a romantic dinner with him. That's totally make them jealous.

Charles is holding Elena's hand. Elena can see it. She can see love in his eyes.

"Hey, do you like crafting?" he asks, anything to stop that awkward moment. But he doesn't realize that his question is totally absurd.

"Nggg, sometimes, I love to," she answers, try to not laughing when answering that question.

A waitress with two hot plate steak and a bottle of wine come to them. She is totally an angel for Elena. Fyuh!

Awkward moment...

"Did you realize that this steak is a rib-eye?" he asks, absurd as usual.

"Yup, from the beginning," she answers.

And another awkward moment.

"How about if we watch an opera or something?" he asks. Hopeless.

"Sounds great," she says, and that's quiet relieving for him.

And all those jealous eyes is spotting to them, like Superman's laser eyes...

Elena can feel that. She feel satisfied. She never thought that there will be a big sensation to have a dinner with Charles. Half of her heart is laughing to those girl like devil. And that's a quite good entertainment for her tonight.

Elena asking more question to Charles, makes him very happy. Don't you ever think that Elena is not satisfied with what happens here. She really enjoy those jealous sights. She really enjoy those jealous whispers. And she really enjoy because she is a "winner" there. What a happy dinner...

She is finish with the steak. Charles holds her hand, and she can feel those jealous sights again. She can hear those jealous whispers again.

And now... Time to show!!!

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