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"I am the king of the world!" he shouts.

She looks down there. Thousands people watch to them, amaze with that great ship, Titanic. They shout really loud, say goodbye to that famous ship. Some rich people just laugh loudly.

"And you are the queen," he adds.

"And he is the prince," she says, looks to Edgar.

"Woo-hoo! Let's celebrate this," he shouts.

She feels the wind. How it blows, she really loves it. Sun is shines really bright.

"What will we do when we are arrived in New York?" he asks to her.

"Umm, I don't know. How about if we looking for a hotel and sleep there? At the next day, we'll search for money. We will search it, and next year, we will have a simple and warm house," she says, imagines her dream.

"Great idea. And we will have a lots of kids, and they will be cute kids. We will make it!" he says.

"And you will help me wash the dishes, cook the food, and more," she says.

"Aye-aye, captain," he answers.

"You know what? I will always love this place. This is the perfect place in this ship," she says.

"Yeah," he answers, whispers, enjoys the wind.


She remembers that. She remembers it like it's just happened yesterday. A day ago.

She looks to the dishes. God, there are too many dishes to wash here. She will be crazy. She sits on a chair. Her eyes look at the bathroom, and the bathroom is dirty. Hufffhh, there are too many thing to be done. She wonders if Edward is here...

She looks at the clock. It's seven p.m. yet? She has an hour to make up of the chaos, before Charles goes here and shouting from outside to have a dinner with him.

Charles? How about asking Charles to help her making up all of the chaos? Yes, it will be a good idea. But, no, she can't. She knows that Charles is still dressing up himself for tonight's dinner, and she can't disturb him.

Edgar? Don't be silly.

Ah, forget about the dishes. She needs to get ready for tonight's dinner. She searches for her dress. Geez, there are too much dress in her wardrobe, because Charles is give here dress almost every day.

She takes a bath, and then dress up herself. Okay, just wait for Charles. 10 minutes... 20 minutes... One hour...

And Charles is never come to pick her up for a dinner that night...

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