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She washes her face, then looks to her shadow in the mirror. "You must be crazy, Elena! What you've done? You kiss him! You break your wedding vows!" she shouts to herself, panic. She washes her face again, repeats that activity to convince herself that she isn't dreaming. She takes a glass of mineral water from kitchen, and drink it like a thirsty dog. And she knew that she isn't dreaming.

She sits on her bed, looks to Edgar. Fyuh, she feels a little bit okay because Edgar doesn't see that scene. When she kisses Charles. It's just too "awful" for Edgar. She just happy that Edgar can't stay awake up to 7 p. m.

She pulls her blanket, and sleep well tonight.


"Ed... Edward?' she asks.

"Yes. Elena...," he calls, sounds really soft.

"Yes?" she asks the next part of his sentence.

"We live in a different world. I can't make you wait for me like this. I want you to happy. Just take some happiness in the world. You aren't betray me. You make me sad if you sad. And I'll happy if you happy. Have some fun and be happy, okay, my sweet darling?" he asks.

"No, you are enough for me. If you come to my dream every night for the rest of my life, then that is more than enough. Just treat me like what you did when we still live in the same world. Would you?" she asks.

"Yes I can. But I am just a part of your dream. And you need the real one, who can live with you when you fall asleep and not. I hope you can find him. I'll met you in the paradise. We will make our own castle there, like what the royal family did," he says.

"Yeah, I know you're angry to me. I know that you saw that. I kissed him! I kissed Charles! And I say that I love him! Please give me a chance and I swear I will forget to give my love for him," she begs.

"Blurp blurp blurp blurp," he says, and then every thing become blur.


"Elena?" Charles asks from outside.

"Ouff, I sleep too well tonight," she says while opening the door.

"Hey, I have something awesome today. Just get ready in an hour and I'll pick you up," he says.

"Really?" she asks.

"A-ha," he answers shortly.

"Okay, so, I need to wake Edgar up, pick a dress, um... Okay, just come back to your home and pick me up an hour again. I'll be ready," she says.

"Alright, my lady," he answers, then walks happily to somewhere.

"Let's go Edgar! Wake up! Wake up! We need to get ready!" she shouts, make Edgars shocked and shouts loudly.

She runs to her wardrobe to search her dress. She sings a song, looking for the best dress to wear this morning. Charles asks her to have a breakfast after last night! Is he wants to tell her that he wants to marry her? Ah, whatever. She just very happy.



"I want you to happy. Just take some happiness in the world. You aren't betray me..."

Charles is her happiness in the world. So Charles could......

When She Was 18Where stories live. Discover now