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It's a night to remember. That night, is totally a big night. 14th April 1912. A little family by husband, wife, and their little son are go by that famous ship, Titanic. No, you can't find them in the Titanic's Passengers and crew list, because they are being illegal passengers. Even though, they still a happy family with a hot father, pretty wife, and a cute son.

That's all. They're eating with all the crew, because they can't get legal passengers' food. If you ever watch Titanic film, than you'll going to say that Jack Dawson is have a better place in the ship than that little family. You can't say that sleep in the storage room isn't a big deal. No without the one-year-old son sleep in there.

She can hear it. Even just a little, but she knew that something is wrong. She heard it. That Titanic is crashing big iceberg inside the sea. The crews try to calm the passengers down, but she knew that she can't believe them.

All ladies are boarded on the deck, be the first priority to enter the lifeboats. "Any ladies, this way!" somebody just yell that. But there is a big problem: that she can't leave her husband sinking with the Titanic.

"It's okay. Just enter the lifeboat, and you'll gonna save. Lots of those young firemen can row your lifeboat to the Carpathia. Will you?" asks him.

"But...,"she says, with tear on her cheeks. Nearer To My God Thee fills the air. Screams and shouts be the atmosphere.

"No more but. This is for us. This is for our son. For his future," he whispers near her ear.

"I can't leave you alone. If you go, I go," she still on what she believes.

"Don't worry. One day, I'll meet you," he says.

"Where?" She asks, short but mean very deep.

"I... I don't know. Paradise, maybe?" he answers. She can see his shady grey eyes shining, mirroring the light of the lamp that still turn on in that ship.

That second, she can feel that something warm has been touching her lips. Long and warm. She can feel that butterflies inside her stomach. She can feel that her heart is beats faster. And that is a goodbye kiss.

"Here," he gives a bottle of brandy to her hand.

She just smiles at him, even her teeth is biting her lips, try to not crying. With those white teeth, he smiles to her.

"Will you proud of me?" he asks.

"Yeah, always," she answers him.

He just smiles again. Smiles really cute.

... and that's the last smile she could see from her lovely husband.

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