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She can't hope anything again. She isn't in England. She is in Netherland Hindi, a land in Asia that very far from England. Luckily, she knows a little bit about Netherland and the language. She learns it from her neighbor when she was 15. There's a lot of poor people, slave, and all those pathetic things. And this is seriously makes her confused. How could she take care of her son in this situation?

Everything isn't real, eh? She asks that in her heart. But that's real. That she is here, without her husband, and escaping from Titanic, to Carpathia, and a big ship that she doesn't really know the name. And she is here, in Netherland Hindi. She is such a stranger who doesn't know anything here.

This country is totally in a big chaos. She should do something. Her one-year-old son is crying right now.

She found a restaurant that full of people. Maybe she can do something there. Do something to give her son fresh food. "Excuse me, can I work here?" she says.

"We are full here. Try to look at next door," the restaurant owner says.

"But my son needs food," she says.

"Everybody needs food here, not just you," he says without looking at her.

She walks by restaurant to restaurant, until finally...

"Sure, you can work here," an old woman says.

She is very happy. She works really well. She can restore her normal life, eat bread or something, and make her son as healthy as possible.

It's totally a hot day in June. She takes lots of dirty plate from table. A man with a good dress (and handsome) comes to that restaurant. She takes menu book and a paper to write down things that he wants.

After write down all the things he wants, she back to the kitchen, give the notes to the chef, and make table again. But one thing that she doesn't know: the man is always staring at her, looking at her with... Love sight.

When She Was 18Where stories live. Discover now