A Letter from Lotus Posted on the Facebook Page of Her University

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Dear student and teachers,

Hello, my name is Lotus. Many of you may not know me and that's fine. It doesn't matter who I am. The thing that matters is my words. Especially, if these are my last. I want to tell everyone out there that feel alone, afraid, broken, and lost that you are not the only one. Believe me. No one here is perfect. Everyone here have things that they are trying to out run. I'm here to tell you to stop running. These things do not make us weak. They make us stronger. All we have to do is accept them. Rejecting them only makes them stronger and the stronger they get the more they control our lives. We must fight for our sanity. We won't find the answer in running from our problem. When we run, we become easily lost and find ourselves alone in a darkness that seems inescapable. But, there is always a light. A goal to achieve. Head towards the light. Do not let anything stop your from reaching it. Never lose sight of it. For that light is happiness. It is peace. A place where fear does not exist. Facing the darkness is the only option.  Letting it engulf you and surrendering will only make you feel worst. I know it may be difficult as some of issues can't be conquered alone but I'm sure your friends and family are willing to help. But be wary of putting your trust in the wrong people. They will try and show you a false happiness. This happiness is fragile and you'll find you'll become dependent on it. That's not true happiness. True happiness is being at peace and understanding with your problems. When you understand your problems, you will find that you are not alone or broken, that there's nothing to fear, and you will find your path once again. I know some of you may laugh at my words now and not take them to heart but at the very least keep them in your mind. You never know when they might come in handy. I have also come to ask everyone to be a light for someone in your life or even for someone you don't know. We can always use a little more light in your lives. Sorry for going on a little rant but I hope this help some of you out there.

Love, Lotus.

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