Chapter 10

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Rebekah POV

When we get to the hill we see Luis and a few of his gang, we park the car and get out.

"Rebekah my lovely!" Luis says with open arms

"Luis my man!" I say and give him a hug " I never though the day you would want to make piece with me"

"Ahh that was 2 years ago, an I see Alaric and you have joined organizations" Luis says

"Well we did make peace but never joined our organization" I say

"Ahh I see" Luis says

"Now lets get on to business" luis says

"Peace offering and i know your gonna want something else but what is it that you want?" I say, I know Luis will not just want a peace offering

"Ahh Rebekah you know me so well, that you should be my wife" Luis says, and I chuckle

"So what is it that you want?" I say

"Here's a picture of the woman that I'm looking for get we to me and will make the peace offering" Luis says and hands me a picture of the woman, I look at the picture of the woman and the person who I was gonna get shocked me

"Her name is Darlene Mitsuki, she was an undercover wife for Anthony Montana, she was successful at killing Anthony, the funeral is on Monday. Right now she's undercover to capture another but this time she's not in the organization group she's being an undercover something she's trying to kill the next leader and that is you Rebekah" Luis says " we wanna capture her before she kills you, once you get her, give her to us we make the peace and we take care of business with her"

"I wanna be their once you deal with her" I say " I can get her by tonight, meet me by field of the dry dessert near the town, no one will hear or see us"

"Okay what time you gonna get their" Luis says

"In 30 mins, and don't try to double cross me cuz I will avenge you" I say

We get back in the car and drive back to town, Luis was following behind. once we got near the town, Luis took the passage to the dessert. We road to Demetrius house. when we got their Misha parked the car, he left the ignition running, Alaric, Zander, hunter, and I walk up to the porch. Zander rings the bell and we wait for one of the to open up. we hear footsteps coming, they open the door and their stood Darlene, Demetrius, spencer, and Marcela.

"What you doing here?" Marcela asks

"Can't even invite us for a drink or something" I say with a smirk

"Sure come in" Darlene says putting a fake smile on, I walk and we all head up to the kitchen, Darlene gives us a glass of water

Me being the one impatient needed to make the first move, I stand up from the stool and take the glass to the sink where Darlene stood, I turn fats and grab her from the back and point the gun on her head.

"Rebekah wtf are you doing!!" Demetrius says, the guys take out their guns and point to Marcela, spencer, and Demetrius

"Demetrius please don't you know that you darling Darlene is just using you to get to me and kill me, shocking I know" I say

"Darlene what is she talking about" Demetrius says

"Idk I'm Darlene Roberts" Darlene says

"OMG funny, I read your name as Darlene Mitsuki, the undercover wife for Anthony Montana and you killed him shame, good thing I got people to tell me when their bitches out to get me" I say

"Lets go!" I say,

I drag Darlene out the house and shove her in the car along with Hunter and Zander, I turn back to Demetrius, spencer, and Marcela.

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