Chapter One

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Percy winced every time the needle prodded through his split skin. In his last fight with his step-father, a cruel man by the name of Gabe Ugliano, a smashed beer bottle had embedded a few shards in Percy's tan chest.

Hissing every time the needle poked the heart of the wound, Percy tried to keep his hands steady, but they were shaking too much and he couldn't calm down. He had to do this quickly and quietly, otherwise Gabe would be back and make it worse again.

Rivulets of sweat plastered his hair to his forehead. He'd poured some alcohol that he'd stolen from Gabe some time ago on the wound. Now he stank of the stuff and his chest felt sticky. On an ash tray lay the shards of glass that had left the wound he was fixing.

Once he was finished he quietly cleaned up. Over the years of living in fear, he'd learnt just how silent he could be when he really wanted to. With a sigh he plopped down on his bed, shoving the piles of magazines off the end. The room was a mess, there was no denying it. Good thing it were a weekend. That meant Percy had enough time to clean up, no doubt that if he didn't he would receive the blame for a mess that wasn't his.

How am I going to explain the holes in my shirt this time? I should be able to get the blood out again...

He shook his head. Plenty of time for all that later. For now, though it hurt to make sudden movements, he just needed fresh air. Especially when Gabe would soon be towering over him once again with his rank beer breath.

It wasn't that cold outside, but he had his jacket with him nonetheless. I should probably get another job... the reason for this thinking was that with the amount of shirts he'd had to chuck out in recent weeks. Gabe sure as hell didn't make enough to support the both of them.

Percy already had a job at one of the local book shops. Despite being dyslexic he'd meet somebody in the past who'd taught him to change things momentarily from English to Greek. One thing Percy enjoyed was reading all the mythology books and sniggering at the inaccuracy in some of them.

Maybe I could work at Starbucks?

Hands in his jean pockets, Percy was about to walk through the door when somebody called out his last name.

"Oi, Dickson!" Well, almost his last name. But you know how petty kids are. It had been an ongoing joke since Percy didn't know when. He wasn't even entirely sure where it came from.

"What do you want this time, Thomas?" Percy sighed, turning to face the bully. Thomas could've rivalled a monster with his looks. His head was shaved into a buzz cut and he was just a little overweight. As a matter of fact, he looked as if he could be Gabe's son.

"Whatcha got on you today?" He sneered, face titled upwards slightly as he was shorter than Percy.

"Nothing." By now people on the sidewalk were starting to notice something was brewing. It was that instinct, that driving curiosity to know what was going on.

"Walk with me."

"How about no?"

Thomas gritted his teeth. "Walk. With. Me." Maybe Thomas wasn't as oblivious to the attention they were getting as Percy thought.


"You little-" Thomas didn't even finish his sentence before he was flinging his fist at Percy's face. Percy flinched back out of habit, though he had no reason to. The meaty fist never connected.

Hovering upside down in front of him was a figure clad in red, black, and blue. Thomas' fist was clenched in the hand of this figure.

Thomas gasped. "Sp-spider-"

"Scram." Was all the figure said before Thomas and his three cronies high tailed it away.

"Dam. Wish I could do that." Percy muttered.

"Do what? Hang from the ceiling? Wear an awesome suit?" The figure retracted a white web from the roof and landed safely on his feet.

"Well, I was going to say I'd like to be able to tell them to piss of and they'd actually do so for once." Percy said.

"Fair enough, yeah. I understand the feeling." A sudden awkward silence ensued.

"Soo uh... who are you again?"


My gods. This chapter was freaking terrible 😂. I'm like, okay. So I already wrote two paragraph in the past, now I get to stem from it- wait. How tf are they gonna cross paths? *mind runs through every cliche scene ever*

That's more or less what happened. Anyway, new story, first chapter. What'd you think? Once again, I have no plan.

And no cover either...

I have little to no graphics skills, so if anyone wants to make me a cover? Really really really would be appreciated!



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