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In the morning I asked Misses Smith if I could have breakfast in my room. She agreed and brought it to me. I still did not want to talk with Jin about what I had seen the day before. It would be very awkward.

After I ate, I dressed myself. I opened the window and walked outside. Down there in the garden a young boy was walking. Jungkook. It looked like he was thinking about something

"Jungkook!" I waved smiling. He looked at me and waved back. "Stay where you are! I will go down there!"

I came back inside and closed the window. I left my room and went outside of the castle. The sun was shining very bright that day. I looked where he was. When my eyes met him I ran in his direction.

"Good morning, Jungkook!" I smiled.

"Good morning, princess." He said and smiled back. "What brings you here?" He asked.

"Oh, I was quite bored in my room. What about you? What are you doing here?"

"I just came to get some fresh air. You know vampires get some too." He said and laughed.

"Actually I know nothing about vampires."

"Oh really? I thought a princess should know everything about this creatures." He said and started walking.

"Maybe you could teach me." I walked beside him. He looked at me and smiled.

"Sure. But let's go somewhere else because people will start talking if they hear us talking about vampires. Come!" He said and held my hand. I blushed a bit.

We walked to a place I had never been. It had some big weird stones. Jungkook walked an sat in the shadow of one. It was quite closer to the woods and a bit far from the doors of the castle. He sat on the ground and I just looked at him.

"Are you going to stay there looking?" He asked.

I sat right beside him. My dress will be dirty and my mom is going to kill me.

"So what do you want to know?" He finally asked.

"I do not know... maybe... everything?" I said a bit shyly.

"Everything?" He laughed. "Such a curious girl. You should be careful because that curiosity can kill you." He said and I got a bit scared. "But anyways tell me something because I do not know where to start!"

"Huh, oh, how do vampires appear? Do you have to be born as a vampire?" I asked and looked at him.

"Well first of all a vampire can turn a human into a vampire. If you drink vampire blood and you are killed you will turn into a vampire." He said. "And second of all vampires ca not procreate. We are dead."

"Oh, so how did you get turned into a vampire?" I asked.

"It is none of your business." He said rudely and looked somewhere else. "Do you have any other questions?

"I don't think so... how old are you?"

"I am very old." He said. "I got turned into a vampire when I was nineteen and it has been almost one hundred of years..."

"Wow!" I said and he looked at me surprised. "That is quite amazing!"

"Do you really think that being dead is amazing?" He said rudely. "Being unable to die is amazing? Being a monster is amazing? You know nothing!" He started getting angry.

"I am sorry but I do not think you are a monster..." I said softly and looked to the ground to avoid eye contact.

"W-What?" He said a bit more softly.

"I d-do not think you are a monster... you did not hurt me nor my friends, nor my family... you protected me." I said and finally looked at him. He was almost crying."

He kept looking into my eyes. His face was getting closer to mine. I closed my eyes because I was nervous. I finally felt his lips on mines. I didn't really know how to express what I was feeling. Maybe... happiness? Is this what it's called love?
I had never felt that way when I had kissed Jin. It was so weird. He held my face softly and carefully.

"Charlotte?" We heard somebody screaming. It was Jin's voice.

I moved away. I was blushing. Jin could not see me with Jungkook.

"It's prince Jin." I said.

"I know." He got up but I stayed in my position. "See you later." He said and disappeared.

"Princess Charlotte, are you here?" He asked again.

I quickly got up and saw him. Our eyes met and I felt a bit nervous.

"What are you doing here, princess?" He asked and walked closer to me.

"Oh, I just came to walk for a bit, you know." I said.

"You should not be in here. It is too close to the woods. Dangerous. What happened to your dress?"

"Oh." I looked at it and it was quite dirty on the edges. "I... Huh... fell! Yes, I fell while I was walking!" He laughed a bit but I made a sad face. That laugh was fake. All of his kind words were fake.

"I looked everywhere for you." He said.


"I thought that you would like to go in trip with me. I will go to another kingdom because of my father's business."

"Oh, huh... I do not know." I don't want to go with him. "I don't think my parents would let me go and I have classes too."

"Do you want me to ask them?" He asked.

"No! I mean, I can ask them myself." I said and laughed. "I will go now!" I lied.

I left him and walked inside. I walked through the corridors without direction. I remembered the kiss with Jungkook. I blushed a bit but smiled. Do I like him?

I stopped thinking about him when I heard someone crying. It was coming from the living room. I ran there and entered. My mother was crying sitting in the sofa with my dad beside, hugging her. The king was looking down like he was thinking and the queen was sitting beside my mother too.

They all looked at me when I entered.

"W-What happened?" I asked concerned.

My mother cried even more. My father had a concerned face. He got up.

"Come with me." He said and we went to the balcony. "Something happened."

"What was it? Oh, please tell me, father."

"It's... your brother... Yoongi... he was coming here but the carriage was attacked... by vampires." He said and looked down.

"W-What?" I started crying.

"Hoseok went to our kingdom to take care of it." He put his hand on my arm. "You should go to your room and rest for a bit. I will call someone to make you tea."

He said and I left the balcony. I walked by everyone saying no words. I cried even more when I closed the door after me. I could not believe that was happening. My dear older brother Yoongi was dead. And I could not even say goodbye to him.

A. N.
Hiii! How are you? Do you like this chapter? I was wondering if you want me to post another wedding chapter? Please let me know.
Anyways ly

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