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I decided to go to his room. I didn't know where it was so I asked one servant. I arrived there. It was quite far from mine. I knocked the door twice. No one opened it.
"Jungkook, are you there?" I asked but he didn't answer. "I'll enter!"
"I opened the door and entered in the room. It was quite dark. There was only a candle in the entire room.
"Jungkook? Where are you?" I asked softly.
Suddenly I heard a noise of something falling. I turned around and saw the he had dropped a table and fallen on the floor.
"Jungkook?" I asked and walked closer to him. "What's happening? Why did you miss dinner?"
He looked up and I saw his face. He was sweating and his eyes were red. It looked like he was in pain.
"Are you okay?" I asked and got down.
"Go away." He said softly.
"I said go away!" He screamed.
"What's happening? Why are you being like this?" I asked and got up.
"I just... ahh" He was really in pain. "Blood... I don't want to hurt you ..."
"When was the last time you drank blood?"

"You... you told me not to kill people... it's been a week..." He bitted his lips.
"Are you that thirsty? You can have my blood." I said and got a knife that was in a table.
I cut a bit of my arm. The blood started dropping to the floor.
"Here."I said.
"No. I don't want... to hurt..."
"What happens if you don't drink blood?"
"I'll die..."
"Then I won't let you die! Drink my blood. You can have as much as you want!"
"I don't want it! I'm a monster!" He screamed.
"You are not a monster! It is just because someone turned into this!". I screamed. "Now drink it !" I extended my arm.
Everything happened so fast. He got up and ran to me. He held my waist and laid me in his bed. He ignored my arm and bitted my neck. At the beginning it hurt a bit but I tried to ignore it. Some tears fell from my eyes. I closed them and patted his head.
When he stopped he licked his lips and looked at me.
"See? That is why I did not want to drink your blood. Now you are crying because of me!" He said. He was actually being kind to me.
"It is nothing." I said.
"Here." He bitted his wrist and started bleeding. "Drink this. The wounds will disappear." He said softly and slowly.
I held his arm. He is probably very strong I thought. I tasted a bit. It was weird but I still drank it all.
"Let's see." He said when I finished. The wounds were gone. He smiled. "I'm never doing this again!"
"But if you need to I will ask you to drink it!"
"No!" His face got closer to mine and I blushed a bit. "Never ask me to do it again, please." He said and closed his eyes.
"Jungkook I should go..."
"You idiot girl..." He said and held my waist against him. He was sleeping.
I wanted to go but I was so comfortable in his arms. I just fell asleep.

I woke up with the sunlight in my room. Wait! My room? I remembered to fall asleep in Jungkook's room. How did I come here? I didn't really remember anything. I sat in the bed. I didn't have my clothes from the day before. Weird...

In front of me in the bed table there was a cup of tea, a plate with a cupcake and pink roses. Beside it there was a paper. I opened and it said:

Yesterday you fell asleep in my room, princess. Maybe you were hopping I would suck your blood again. Unfortunately, I cannot hurt a princess. I brought you to your room earlier in the morning. I compelled Misses Smith to bring you some food with flowers and to take off your clothes. Unlike what you thought, I am not a pervert. Well, see you later.

I closed it and drank a bit of the tea. It was still warm. Now that I'm thinking he's quite weird. The day before he was so worried about hurting me and then he was already talking about sucking my blood again. I rolled my eyes just thinking about it.
Someone knocked at the door and opened it. It was Mia and Rose.
"Good morning!" They screamed and ran to my bed.
"Oh that is cute! Who is it from?" Mia asked about the food and the flowers.
"Jin, probably." Rose said and they laughed.
"You haven't told me yet about your... friends." I said and made a pervert face. I laughed because the blushed so much.
"As you said we are just friends." Rose said.
"Uhm, I see! But I do think Mia and Jimin are very special friends. They messed my room so much!" Mia blushed and I laughed.
"But that's because Rose asked if she could stay in our room." Mia said and Rose blushed.
"Shut up!" she screamed.
"You girls should be careful. If you get pregnant your parents are going to kill you!" I said. "They are a little older than you so just be careful."
"Yes, mother!" Mia joked. "But now that I'm thinking your prince Jin is older than Jimin and Taehyung."
"But I cannot do anything about it." I said. "Now tell me, are you already in a relationship?"
"Yes." Mia said. "He is so cute and kind." She smiled.
"Taehyung is so funny and adorable!" Rose smiled too.
"Wow you're really in love." I laughed.
I got up and dressed myself. We had breakfast and Jungkook was there. He looked good. The king got up and we all made silence.
"Well, prince Jungkook, requested if we could make a visit to the kingdom and he invited everyone. I wish I could go but me and my son have some things to do."

"I would love to go to Sir but tomorrow some men from my kingdom will come here." My father said.
"I appreciate your apologies. " Jungkook said. "Princess Charlotte, will you come?" He asked me. "And Prince Hoseok, of course.
"Of course we will!" I said.
"And you ladies?" He asked the girls. They said yes with their heads and looked at Jimin and Taehyung smiling.
"Alright then." The king talked again. "You should go tomorrow when the sun appears and come before the nigh falls."
The rest of the day was just preparing things for the trip. Iwas sad that Jin wouldn't be able to go. Apparently he had some haunt training with his father. The girls were super excited because they would spend the day with their boys. I was okay.

We all were ready before the sun appeared. It was very early and Mia was complaining about and how sleepy she was. Just one carriage came. My brother ended up not going because his wife was not feeling very well so they choose to stay in the castle.
Me and the girls entered in first and we sat in our places. The boys came in the sat in front of us. Jungkook's clothes were very handsome with so many details in blue.
"Have you ever seen the ocean, ladies?" Taehyung asked.
"No. Are we going to see it?" Rose asked curious.
"Of course." Jungkook answered and then looked at me in the eyes.
I just looked somewhere else and then looked back at him. He was still looking at me so I blushed. I decided to take my book off my bag and read a bit.
We quickly arrived and left the carriage. We were so close to the ocean! It was my first time in there so I was very excited.

A. N.
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