Chapter 49

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August 14th, 2002

A year later in Manhattan New York, Trevor was moving back into one of New York University’s dorms. This year around he was going to be staying in Carlyle Court, a resident hall located in Union Square. It was a fairly large building, at least ten stories high.

Trevor had just brought his first load of bags to his room, and dumped them on the bed. His roommate, Andrew, was the same guy he housed with the year before. The two got along pretty well, both being from the south. Andrew came in his roommate’s small room and sat on the bed.

“When you going to lunch?” Andrew asked, taking his phone from his pocket.

Trevor neatly folded a few shirts and crammed them into his dresser. “I don’t know,” he shrugged. “Maybe around three or four.”

Andrew shook his head, typing a mile a minute on his phone. “You always eat late man. This time you on your own, I’m starving.”

“Word, so you can’t wait for yo dog?” Trevor smirked, going into his suitcase to get out a pair of jeans.

“Not ‘that’ long,” Andrew said. “Besides, I was asking because Maggie and me going to King’s Pizza in a little bit. You know she got a friend who crazy bout you.”

Trevor sucked his teeth, showing his lack of interest. “Pssh, you talkin’ bout Taylor?”

“Yea man,” Andrew nodded. “At least give her a chance. You know she cute.”

“Eh… she aight,” Trevor replied, belittling her attractiveness. He kicked his suitcase in the closet and went to the desk, staring at a picture of him and India.

Andrew rolled his eyes, standing up. “Trev, com’ on bro. All these females out here and you still stuck on yo ex?”

“I aint stuck on her man,” Trevor lied, his friend clearly didn’t believe him.

“Yea, okay,” He sarcastically agreed. “I’m just sayin’ man, you have to get out more, get on these females. Maggie told me the other day that mad girls have a thing for you. But she said some of em starten to think you gay.”

“Shut up,” Trevor snapped. “They know I aint gay. Me and Michelle had something for a while.”

“Yea, for like two months,” Andrew mocked. “All I’m saying is, I want you to give Taylor a shot. It can’t hurt to have lunch with somebody.”

Trevor sighed, removing his gaze from India. “Maybe you right,” he muttered. “Man, I guess I’ll go. Just let me get this last bag out the car…” As soon as Trevor finished his sentence his phone rang. “Hey What’s up?” he exclaimed. Andrew could tell who it was the second Trevor answered the phone. There was only one person in the world who could get him that happy so quickly, and that’s India.

“Hey, how are you?” India asked.

“I’m good, trynna get this room set up,” Trevor replied, taking a seat in his study chair. “What’s up with you?”

India took a deep breath over the line, like she was stressed. “Getting situated. It’s been a long day and its only noon.”

“Tell me bout it,” he agreed. Andrew tapped him on the shoulder and pointed to his watch to remind him about their lunch dates. Trevor brushed off his friend like he didn’t care about that.

“You stayin’ in the same dorm this year? Cause I’m moving somewhere else,” India said.

“Yea, I got upgrade. I’m at this place called Carlyle Court,” he answered, laying down on the bed. Andrew sighed, realizing his buddy was going to be longer than he hopped.

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