Chapter 12

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On a Saturday afternoon, Trevor was in a family dollar a few blocks from his neighborhood. He came in the store to buy some food for the night. Only having a couple of dollars on him, the few things he could purchase were a loaf of bread and some syrup. He had enough peanut butter at home to make the syrup sandwich.

            Trevor got in the line; ready to leave so he could go home. He noticed the girl in front of him stood a little too close. She was sending him a signal to talk to her, but he wasn’t interested. 

            It took about five minutes for him to reach the cashier. He put his two items on the counter and watched the cashier ring him up. Just looking at the female employee, one could tell she hated her job. She got Trevor out of the line as fast as possible and went back to texting on her phone. Trevor picked his book bag up, placing his food inside and left the store.

            At 5:31pm, his day was over. He worked a long shift at his job, getting a few minutes hours ago. The only thing that registered in Trevor’s mind now was sleep. He slowly walked down the sidewalk with a thousands things flowing through his mind. Most of his thoughts were of no importance, but the rest had to do with India.

            Somewhere in his four day tutoring sessions, Trevor grew fond of India. He planned to keep the tutoring up just for a reason to be with her, despite his dislike for algebra. Trevor wasn’t quite sure how India felt about him however. He knew it was nothing romantic, not after all the things he’s said and done. But maybe, he might still have a chance to allure her. He just had to figure out how to do it.

            While Trevor pondered on ideas to attract India, a ford explorer sitting on large rims flew by. The wind trailing behind the vehicle rushed past him almost removing his hat. Straightening himself, Trevor immediately got frustrated. He stared down the SUV as it pulled into the parking lot of an A-1 cornerstone. The driver hopped out the second the SUV stopped. It was Zone.

            Trevor recognized him at once, balling his fist. He stopped walking and observed his enemy. Zone pulled up his pants and headed to the boost mobile phone stand that was next to the store. He appeared to be alone.

            The first idea that popped in Trevor mind wasn’t a good one, but it’s what he chose to do. he tightened the straps on his book bag so they wouldn’t come off during the altercation. There was no question that Zone had a gun on him, so Trevor would have to play this just right. He glanced around the area and spotted a medium sized rock. He picked it and up, covering it with his long shirttail.

            Zone stood in the line talking on his cell phone. He counted a large stack of one-dollar bills, unaware that someone snuck behind him. The people hanging around the area saw Trevor, and figured he was up something, but they kept out of it. 

            Trevor got within striking distance of his target and lifted the weapon in his hand. He slammed the rock across the side of Zone’s head, blindsiding him. Zone crashed to the ground with blood leaking from his scalp. Trevor dropped the rock and struck his enemy in the face three times.

              “Yea… what up now?” He taunted, punching Zone in the head one more time. He violently kicked him in the stomach. “You wanna jump a nigga, huh? You wanna jump somebody?” Trevor began to stomp Zone fiercely, disregarding the crowd that formed around the fight. When he finally finished, Zone was lying on the ground in agony. He moaned in discomfort as he rolled on his back.

            Trevor took the opportunity to rob him. He quickly went through Zone’s pockets and found a wad of folded cash along with some drugs. He figured he keep the money for himself and give the narcotics to his cousin or Thoro. Trevor stood up, glanced around the area, and took off running.

            “Dammmmn,” one of the bystanders said, moving closer to Zone.

            “Aye… I got that shit on camera blood!” one guy exclaimed. Zone could hear the people talking and staggered to his feet, almost falling. He held the side of his face, which leaked blood. Spinning around to the witnesses, Zone clenched his teeth.

            “What ya’ll lookin’ at?” he growled. The crowd slowly dispersed, going back to what they were doing. Zone rubbed his tender jaw and limped to the car, thoughts of vengeance over taking his mind. 

The Start Of A Good Thing (Book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz