Chapter 16

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The next morning, Trevor was lying in bed sound asleep. His dreams kept him under cozy sheets. He probably would have slept another two hours or so, if it weren’t for his sister screaming at the top of her lungs.

            “TREVVVV!” Tyrika yelled, breaking through her brother’s dream. “TREVVVV!” Trevor’s eyes popped open red as lava. At first, his mind was too sleepy to realize what was going on, until his sister yelled his name again. He stumbled out of bed and ran to the kitchen in his boxers.

            When he reached the kitchen he expected something to be terribly wrong, but only saw his cousin and sister. From the looks of things, Baby-D had a bone to pick with Tyrika. She was on one side of the kitchen table while Tyrika was on the other, clearly avoiding her cousin.

            “TREV!” Tyrika shouted, seeing her brother. “Come get yo cousin!”

            “Naw, you betta get yo sista!” Baby-D snapped. “I’m finna buss her up.” Baby-D lunged at Tyrika trying to grab her shirt, but Tyrika jumped back, barley missing her cousin’s grasp. Baby-D went around the table and cornered Tyrika.

            “Trev… ,” She pleaded, backing into the wall. Trevor sighed in aggravation. He stepped between his two family members.

            “Aye chill out D,” Trevor stood in front of his sister facing his cousin.

            “Hell naw,” Baby-D growled. She reached for Tyrika again, but Trevor slapped her hand away.

            “Man what the problem is?” He questioned.

            “She smoked all my weed!” Baby-D exclaimed. Trevor raised his eyebrow. That was a pretty offensive thing to do.

            “Damm Rika,” he muttered.           

            “Whaaat?” Tyrika said. She sounded like she didn’t know what the problem was. “I mean it’s not like I did it on purpose. Shit, I found some bud and I smoked it.”

            Baby-D clenched her fist, her whole body tensed up with rage. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “Pyro, ask her where she found it.” Trevor looked at Tyrika; his eyes asked the question his mouth didn’t have to repeat.

            “I found it in the livin’ room,” Tyrika confessed. She shifted her eyes from her cousin to her brother. “Ya’ll actin’ like I went in somebody room and stole it.”

            Baby-D took a seat in the chair and stressfully dragged her hand down her face. “Pyro… please explain to this nigga what the problem is.”

             “Ight. Check this out. Rika, we both know D sell bud right?” Tyrika nodded her head, listening to her brother. “And me and D live here right?” Trevor stared at his sister while he explained to her how she was wrong. She appeared to still understand him. “Ight then. So obviously, if you found some bud in the crib then it belong to one of us.”  

            “Exactly!” Baby-D agreed.

            “Aight, Aight. I’m sorry,” Tyrika pitifully apologized, but she still didn’t think she was wrong.

            “You can save the ‘sorrys’. You owe me thirty-five,” Baby-D growled.

            “What?” Tyrika placed her hand on her chest, outraged that her cousin would ask for that much money.

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