Chapter 33

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On Monday morning, India sat on the floor of her dance class with her legs crossed. Her friends Courtney and Ashley were next to her. Across the room Regina and Jaden performed moves of elegance, gliding throughout the floor impressing their teacher.

            Mrs. Cages, the dance instructor, clapped her hands as they finished dancing and took a quick bow. India remained still, not moving her eyes from her rivals. She was very upset about what they did on Friday, and tried desperately to control herself. Normally India’s good at containing her emotions, but today seemed to be an exception.

            Jaden stood up straight and shot India a mocking smirk. When the bell rang she tapped Regina on the arm, leading her to the locker room. India got up and slowly exited the class, heading to the lockers to get dressed. Taking her time to go down the steps, she calmed herself, and prepared to confront her enemies.

            “Jaden!” India called out, walking in her direction. Jaden slid on her shirt and turned to India.

            “What?” she rudely snapped.

            “Robin told me what you did on Friday. And that’s not cool,” India stated. Jaden shrugged her shoulders, not the least bit concerned.

            “So? You’re not cool,” she joked, glancing at Regina who backed her up with a quick laugh.

            “You think that’s funny? Lacing’s some one’s drink with ecstasy!” India’s voice raised, but she lowered it back down to avoid drawing unwanted attention.

            “Yea, I do think it’s funny.” Jaden grinned. “But it was even funnier when that someone was you….” She got closer to India, daring her to do something she would regret. “So what you going to do about it? … lil miss perfect.” When India didn’t move, Jaden smirked and tossed her hair over her shoulder. “Exactly what I thought . . . nothing.”

            India balled her fist, wanting to knock the taste out of Jaden’s mouth. Instead of acting on her rage however, she simply shook her head and stared Jaden dead in the eyes. “You know, as much as I want to. I’m not even going to fight you.” Jaden cut her eyes, smacking her lips at the same time. “I’m not going to waste my time dealing with ignorance. Because people like you, and her,” India shot a glance at Regina. “Always get what’s coming to you.”

            “You can save the bible verses for Sunday school, I’m not interested,” Jaden retorted. Without another word India gathered her belongings and left the locker room. Even though it took a lot out of her to turn the other cheek, she did.

            The bell rang the very second she got back to the classroom, so India exited the class. While walking through the hallways she saw Trevor standing next to her locker and smiled on the inside. For reasons she couldn’t understand, sometimes just seeing Trevor was enough to put her in a better mood.

            Trevor looked up from the floor to see India come his way. She gave him a quick tight hug, but didn’t speak. “You aight?” he asked, taking hold of her books so she could open her locker.

            “Yea,” she murmured. “I talked to Jaden after class.”

            “Oh yea? What she say?”

            “Nothing out of the norm,” India replied. She received her books from Trevor and put them inside her locker. “She owned up to it and then tried to get me to fight her.”

            “You should have,” Trevor added.

            India shot him an unimpressed guise. “And risk being suspended, losing my scholarship, and everything I’ve worked for? It wasn’t worth all of that.”

            “I mean, when you put it like that,” He agreed. “But still. You can’t just let em off the hook.”

            “Yea I can. And I already did,” India responded. “I’m mean you can’t fight fire with fire. How else will it get put out?”

            Trevor shrugged at his girlfriend’s wisdom, knowing he would have done the exact opposite. “I feel you,” he lied. “You a betta’ person than me, I give you that. Aye but let’s get somethin’ to eat though. Yo choice.” India smiled as she shut her locker. She snuggled closely on Trevor’s arm, walking down the hallway.

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