Chapter 17

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On Monday afternoon, Trevor and India were sitting in the library for tutoring. The two had been there since school got out. They finished tutoring and had been talking for the past hour. Trevor sat directly in front of India listening to every word that came from her mouth.

            “I got two half brothers and a step sister, they’re all younger than me too.” India said, informing him about her home life. “They don’t really bother me too much, which is a good thing. You know how on TV the older child always has a younger sibling who annoys them?”

            “Yea,” Trevor nodded, giving her his undivided attention.

            “So, you have any siblings?” She asked. Trevor leaned back in his seat, thinking about his family.

            “Yup, I got a twin sista’ and a older half brotha’,” He answered.

            “Cool, what’s it like having a twin? Does she look or act like you?” India questioned.

            Trevor shrugged his shoulders. “I mean we look alike. But we mad different though,” He paused and rubbed his chin. “Like, I love my sista and all, but she’s a leech.” India couldn’t help but laugh at what he said.

            “A what?”

            “A leech. All she do is mooch off niggas,” he explained. “My sis just moved back in with me, and she already causin’ problems.”

            “Dang, if she’s that bad, why not put her out?” India wondered.

            “That’s what my cuz wanna do. But I can’t let that happen, Trevor said.


            “Cause. I aint want her out on the street,” he answered. “I couldn’t sleep if I did that.”

            “Aww,” India smiled. “You’re a good a brother.” Her words made him feel good on the inside.

            “Yea well, It aint always been like that.” Trevor confessed.

            “What you mean?” She asked, leaning closer to him. Trevor felt a little uneasy and shook his hand at India.

            “It’s a long story, that you don’t wanna hear,” he responded. His intentions were to dissuade her but; his answer only heightened her curiosity.

            “But I do wanna hear it!” India exclaimed. “Now you got me interested.” Trevor cracked a smile at her response and looked down at the table. He didn’t mind telling her, but was afraid it might kill any chance he had with her. “Soooo?” She urged him on.

            Trevor took a deep breath and sighed. If India were who he thought she was, she wouldn’t judge him. “Ight, I’ll tell you.” He surrendered. India’s face instantly glowed with silent excitement. “Man, back in the day; like when I was a young nigga, I use to have a real bad attitude. The only people I messed with was my family, and Thoro.” Trevor paused his story to clear his throat. “I use to be mean, especially to Rika, my sista’. See my mom died birthin’ me and Rika, and I don’t know who my daddy is. When I would think about my parents it would piss me off. It still does, but I use to take my angry out on Rika, and if she wasn’t there, I’d burn things.” India gazed at Trevor as he spoke. He didn’t look at her at all. He kept his eyes down while talking. “One day, when I was 10, right after Anne died. I was gonna burn this abandon house. Rika was with me and I dared her to go in.”

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