Chapter 32

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The next morning, India slowly cracked her eyes open. She stirred in the bed sheets and turned on her right side. To her surprise, Trevor was sitting on the floor with Desoto by his side staring straight at her.

            “Ughh,” India groaned, feeling a pulsing migraine grip her brain. “Trev, … What are you doing here?”

            Trevor scratched Desoto’s head rather roughly, making the dog stick its tongue out in comfort. “I live here. This my room, rememba?” Trevor responded. India’s eyes shot wide and she sat up in the bed, looking around the room. Drawings and holes decorated the walls. Matches and lighters could be found at every corner; this was Trevor’s room. 

            “How’d I get here? Wh-what happened last night?” India questioned, sounding honestly confused.

            Trevor went to the bedside next to India and knelt down by her. “I’ll tell you lata’. You okay?”

“Yea, I think.” She rubbed her forehead. “Some aspirin wouldn’t hurt though.”

“Aight, I got you,” He got up and left the room with Desoto trailing behind him.

            India shook her head as the migraine she felt earlier returned. She flung the covers off her, realizing she was still wearing her party clothes from last night. That’s when things started to piece together. She was at a house party the night before with Robin and Brittney. That much India could remember, but everything afterwards was still blurry.

She slid out of the bed and went to the mirror hanging on the wall in the small closet. Her hair was a mess and her eyes were red. She looked as bad as she felt. India turned around and saw Trevor come in holding a bottle of aspirin and cup of water. 

            “Hope you like tap water,” he grinned, handing her the cup first. India took the medicine and water trying to muster a smile.

            “Thanks,” she replied, swallowing the aspirin.

            “Aye you can take a shower if you want, I got some clothes and a towel already in the bathroom,” Trevor said.

            “Okay,” India nodded, still feeling a little woozy.

            “You betta’ hurry though. When that hot water gone, it’s gone,” he warned. India followed him to the bathroom and went in. She still couldn’t figure out what happened for her to get here, but shrugged and proceeded to take a shower.

            While India bathed, Trevor was in the kitchen in front of the stove. He flipped a piece of battered toast on the skillet and went to the fridge to get some more eggs. Desoto lay on the floor with his tail wagging, watching his master’s every move.

            Trevor completed the breakfast he cooked and set up the table as best he could. It was his first time preparing a meal for India and he wanted to go all out. He walked back to the kitchen sink and ran some when India came in. She wore his extra-large grey t-shirt, baggy gym shorts, and size eleven flip-flops. Everything she had on didn’t belong to her and was too big.

            India stopped at the front of the kitchen, seeing Trevor wash the dishes. She stared at the set up that lie on the table in front of her. There was French toast, fried eggs, and bacon. From the looks of things Trevor worked really hard on it, which made India smile.

            “I didn’t know you could cook,” she said, walking to the table. Trevor glanced behind him as she took a seat.

            “Naw, you assumed I couldn’t cook,” he corrected, scrubbing the plate with a damp rag. “But I been cookin’ since middle school.”

            India took a bite out of her French toast, chewing the food slowly. It was actually good. “Wow…” She mouthed, swallowing her food. “You ‘can’ cook.” Trevor placed the last dish in the sink, choosing to dry them later and took a seat next to his girlfriend. “So what happened last night?”

            “Maaaan,” Trevor sighed. “You was wildin’ out. Robin said someone spiked yo drink.” India dropped her fork along with her mouth.

            “What…” she gasped.

             “Someone spiked yo drink,” he repeated. “I don’t know if that’s true, but with how you been actin’. Someone did somethin’. Everybody think it been Jaden. Her and Regina.”

            India appeared too shock to talk. She sat quietly with her mouth wide open. Why would Jaden do something like that? It’s one thing to mess with someone’s make up or clothes, but to publicly drug somebody. That was taking a mean prank too far.

            “You okay?” Trevor asked. India snapped back into reality and took a deep, long, calming breath.

            “I’m good. Just kind of shocked,” she admitted.

            “That shit wasn’t cool…” Trevor said. He leaned back in the seat and stared at the floor. “But they got somethin’ comin’.”

            “And you betta’ believe that,” Baby-D exclaimed, walking into the room.

            “Yea, where they at Indy? Just point em my way,” Tyrika came in the room loudly behind her cousin. “Where them bitches at, Where them bitches at?” she sang.

            India placed her hand on her face, shaking her head in disapproval. “Trev, I handle it myself,” India stated. “I don’t need ya’ll going out and doing something brash.”

            “Brash?” Baby-d and Tyrika exclaimed in sync.

            “They deserve worse than brash! In case you forgot, those niggas gave you ecstasy!” Baby-D reasoned.

            “I know,” India responded. “And I don’t like that. But that doesn’t mean I, you, or Trevor should do something stupid. Two wrongs don’t make a right, so just let me confront them.”

            “That’s crazy though… I would…”

            “If India say she got this, then she got it,” Trevor interrupted, backing his girlfriend up.

            India smiled at his response. “Yea, I got it. I am a big girl after. I can fight my own battles.”

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