Chapter 7

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Later that day, about twenty minutes after the final bell rang, Trevor was walking down the school hallways. He held his pants up as he slowly marched to the library doors. Trevor entered the library and looked around. He didn’t see anyone he knew, which wasn’t a surprise. He began to think India stood him up, until he saw her sitting at a table by a window. She waved him down.

            Trevor strolled his way to her and pulled out a seat. Taking a paper out of his book bag, he dropped the bag on the floor. India looked at him and smiled.

            “Hey,” she greeted. With out saying a word, Trevor placed his paper on the table and slid it to India. She glanced at the paper and then back at Trevor.

            “… Um, what’s this?” She asked.

            “A test,” Trevor answered. India appeared to be in question. “It’s a take home test,” he added, clearing up her confusion.

            “Oh, so this is what you needed help with?” India moved her seat slightly closer to him, looking at the test. “This isn’t too hard, looks like algebra.” Trevor kept his mouth shut and stared at the paper. “So, which problems do you need help with?”

            “All of them,” He retorted. India lightly rubbed the side of her face.

            “Okayyy…” She said. “Let’s start with number one.” Trevor raised an eyebrow as she began to instruct him on the math problem. “Looks like they want us to find X, Do you…”

            “Hol’ up,” Trevor rudely interrupted. “I don’t think you understand. I aint doin’ this,” he slid the test closer to India. “You are.”

            India couldn’t believe what she just heard. “Huh?”

            “You said you owe me right?” Trevor questioned, sounding harsh. “This how you gon me pay back.”

            “What? I can’t do your test for you!” India protested.

            “Naw, It aint just ‘this’ test,” Trevor leaned closer to India, silently threatening her with his eyes. “You got me for the rest of the semesta’.”

            “You can’t be serious,” India replied, hopping he wasn’t.

            “What you think I’m jokin’?” Trevor leaned back in his seat; a sinister guise stained his face. “Lil’ girl you musta’ forgot. I got blitzed cause of you!” Taken back by Trevor’s blatant disrespect, India began to gather her things.

            “Look, I’m really sorry about that, but you’re crazy if you think I’m going to do your work!” India snapped. She grabbed her purse and placed it on her shoulder.

            “So that’s how you gon do me?” Trevor retorted. India looked at him; she was fed up with his bad attitude and outrageous demands.

            “That’s exactly what I was thinking,” she said. “All I wanted to do was return a favor to someone I thought was nice. But I see now I was wrong.” Trevor didn’t say a word; his cold eyes spoke for him. India stared at him in disgust and disappointment. She couldn’t believe this was the same guy that looked out for her the other day.

            Trevor watched as India stormed out of the library. He slapped his test paper off the table and balled his fist. His plan of manipulation backfired, badly. Trevor thought he had a free ticket to pass algebra, but he was wrong.

            He glared at the table in hardened silence. India’s words buzzed through his head. He slowly got out of his seat and took hold of his book bag. With no other reason to stay here, Trevor left the library in cold silence. 

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