You're My Wonderwall

482 28 15

Alice's POV

It's been a month since that incident with Zayn and that Max guy. School has also started after the Christmas vacation, I go to my Tae Kwon Do lessons 3 times a week and I have pretty much returned to my normal routine and everything is usual. Actually everything apart from one thing. Zayn has been calling me every day. More than once a day sometimes. I never answer his calls. He's trouble and I'm scared. He texts me all the time and I've been ignoring his messages. Also I always make sure that he has left his house before I leave for school. Eva told me that he has got into one more fight last week and that he has been banned from the boxing championship due to very violent behavior. I think that's the best for him, a little break from fighting is going to help him a lot.

In a few days the first semester is over and I need to study hard, really hard. Though I'm doing good, really good.

Like everyday, I walked to my meeting point with Eva in order to go to school. When I arrived she was already there. Crap, why am I always so late?

"Goodmorning" we both said and started walking.

"Did he?" she asked. This is what she asks me every morning, it's the sort form of "Did he call you?".


"How many times?"

"Three calls and 5 text messages"

" didn't reply, did you?"

"No, of course not...Anyway, to change the subject, I don't want to go to school" I said so we would stop talking about him.

"Who wants to go to school?" she replied sarcastically and I giggled. We arrived at school some minutes later and we found Louis talking to Liam.

"Hey" I told him.

"Goodmorning cupcake" He greeted me and I smiled. I looked to my right to see Eva but she wasn't next to me.

"Where is s-" I said but stopped because I spotted her talking to Liam.

"I think he likes her" Louis told me and I smirked.

"Good. Though they are very different, I mean Eva is crazy and outgoing while Liam is serious and smart"

"Opposites attract, you should have known that!" he winked.

"Right" I said. The picture of me and Zayn kissing came to my mind. We are opposites but I could never be an actual couple with him. First of all, I'm afraid of him and we could never work out. I can't even imagine me and Zayn having any kind of relationship.

After classes I went to Eva's house to watch a movie. But first we had a conversation.

"Do you think Liam and I could date?" she asked when we entered her bedroom.

"Yeah, why not?"

"We don't have many thinks in common" she said disappointed.

"So? You will find things that you are both interested in. Plus, Louis told me that Liam might likes you"

"Really? Yay!" she said and she hugged me. She can be really fun when she's excited.

"Isn't he really really handsome?" she squealed.

"Yes he is!" I said.

"What do you think I should do?" She asked me.

"I don't know, just keep doing what you do now. You should get to know him first, before anything else"

"Yes you are right! What movie do you want to watch?" she changed the subject.

"The hunger games?" I suggested and she agreed.

Wonderwall (Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now