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Yuri walked into the apartment she shared with her son's father and sighed heavily. As usual, Randy fucked everything up, but didn't feel the need to clean up. Not only that, but Yuri smelled the weed smoke before she even hit the door.

Cursing under her breath she grabbed a trash bag from the kitchen and filled it with the contents surrounding her living room. Beer bottles, empty fast food bags, and pizza boxes were among the other few pieces of trash she picked up.

There was also a lingering stench floating through the air which led Yuri to believe Randy hadn't emptied the trash since she left.

"Randy!" Yuri called out pissed. She was getting really tired of the same old shit.

"What up?" Randy asked, rounding the corner with not a care in the world while puffing on a blunt. He took a seat on the couch and eyed Yuri.

"That's what the fuck I'm trying to figure out! Why is my place looking like a pigsty, and why are you smoking with my son in here?!" Yuri snapped. It took a lot for her to lose her temper, but Randy brought it out of her

 It took a lot for her to lose her temper, but Randy brought it out of her

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"Chill out," Randy shot back releasing smoke. "I took RJ by your mom's cause I had some sh-"

"You did what?!" Yuri snapped. Randy knew fucking better. Her mom could barely take care of herself, let alone her grandson.

"Stop fucking yelling and shit! I had shit to do. Your ass leaves for three days and wanna come back with the bullshit." Randy spat, getting up to walk off.

If Yuri didn't have to go get her son she would have knocked his simple ass upside his head. It was just like Randy to pull some shit like this, she didn't know why she expected anything less.

Yuri and Randy had been dating since middle school.

Being that they were both in the same boat when it came to their home lives, they sort of gravitated towards one another. Both of Randy's parents were strung out on dope, and all the kids in their school used to pick on him because it was a normal thing for Randy to show up to school wearing the same clothes for the entire week.

Although Yuri's home life was no better, she felt for Randy. She was always clean and fed, but that was only because Shy's parents looked out for them. When they died, Shy stepped in and picked up the pieces.

Seeing Randy the way he was tugged at Yuri's heartstrings. He was shocked when she befriended him and started buying him clean clothes, even more, when she started letting him sleep over to make sure he got a hot shower and a meal.

Once Yuri started pulling capers with Shy and Em, she felt it was only right to put Randy on his feet. Not wanting to feel like she was taking care of him, Yuri would give Randy weed to sell. Unfortunately Randy sold just enough to get fly and smoked up the rest.

Yuri took Randy's virginity.

In his mind, he took hers as well, but her mom had long ago sold that to the highest bidder.

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