A Month To Live (39)

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'Hey,' Bradley said, poking me. 'Wake up.'

'No,' I grumbled, pulling the covers up higher over my head to escape the morning light.

'Yes,' he chuckled, tugging the cover down again.

'What?' I asked, opening my eyes and scowling up at him.

'I've got to go for a few hours,' Bradley said. His hand was pressed next to my head to support himself as he leaned over me.

'Mmm... why are you telling me what I already know?' I murmured.

'I thought leaving a note would be mean,' he smiled. 'Girls don't seem happy with guys when they leave notes on the bed. You know, in the movies.'

'You're mean for waking me up,' I grumbled. 'But also kind of adorable for that last part,' I added reluctantly. I reached up and patted him on the cheek.

'Sorry,' he said, smile widening.

'Stop lingering and go to your football thing,' I yawned, shoving his arm so he almost lost balance.

'Yeah, yeah. Don't miss me too much.'

'Oh, Bradley I will,' I said sarcastically. 'Please don't leave me here in your bed... all alone.'

'Your request is tempting,' he said slowly as if actually considering it. 'But I really have to go,' he added with a wink before pulling the covers back over me again and pushing away.

'Shut up and go,' I mumbled. Go now so you can return quickly.

I snuggled back down into the bed. The sheets and pillow drowned me in his scent and I ended up passing out again for another couple hours.

I was woken up by Remi in the end and she forced me downstairs to make a nice breakfast. She really was rather useless with any kitchen skills. After eating, I ran back upstairs and got washed and dressed before making up Bradley's bed. I ended up collapsing on it a few seconds later and just laying there spread eagled.

'Raegan,' Remi called from the doorway. 'Get your ass up!' I mumbled something indistinctive before pushing my face away from the mattress and rolling onto my back. 'Tara's on her way over,' she told me. 'We wanted to just watch a load of movies and eat crappy food,' she added. 'Plus we need to interrogate her about George!'

'Okay, okay,' I agreed hastily.

'Hey grab Bradley's comforter, I'll get mine too and there should be another one in the cupboard at the top of the stairs,' she shouted as she headed off down the hall.

I scowled at the newly made bed before yanking the comforter back off and wrapping it around my shoulders as I made my way downstairs.

Tara arrived not long after, sporting a slight hangover, just as I pulled the popcorn from the microwave and poured it into a bowl.

'Hey,' Tara says as I turned to face her. 'Popcorn,' she added with a dreamy look on her face.

'Remi is going all out on the junk food,' I smirked

'I swear they have a whole cupboard full.'

'We do, I have a secret stash and I suspect Bradley has one too,' Remi said as she waltzed into the room, tying her hair up. She pulled open a cupboard on the other side of the kitchen and reached on the tips of her toes for the top shelf. Her hand closed around a bag and she pulled it down. 'I love jelly worms,' she commented.

'So does Bradley,' I chuckled. Now I knew where both of their stashes were. All the junk food was under my control.

'You would know,' Tara snorted

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