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"Hey i hate to say this, but i gotta go, its an emergency, Cleo is missing, and pregnant." I rush into Kaylens hospital room, she looks stunned.

"Yeah of course go." She says feeding Cole.

"Hunter is coming."

"What?" She says in disbelief.

"I told him about Cole, he coming once i land."

"Oh my God." She says.

"Why would you do that?" She cried.

"He deserved to know, thats his son too." I tell her.

"He left us." She tells me.

"Hes excited to meet his first born." I tell her.

"Thats no excuse, he left." She says looking away from me.

"Kaylen, im sorry, i didnt know you would be this mad."

"Just leave Jackson." She says.

"Ill be back." I tell her and leave. I grab my phone and call Ara.

"Hello?" She says.

"Hi Ara, its your sisters annoying boyfriend."

"She dumped you." She laughs.

"Fine yes, but not for long." I tell her using hand gestures as if she can see them, i head to my car and get settled in it before i take off home.

"Well what do you want Jackson?" She asks.

"I need you to come to my house, with a bag packed for Beverley Hills."

"What why?"

"Cleo has been kidnapped."

"What, oh my god, shes pregnant Jackson, im coming."

"You knew she was pregnant too and you didnt tell me?" I say hurt.

"She gave me direct orders not to tell you." She says.

"Anyways im on my way, give me 15 minutes." She says and hangs up. I sped home amd threw clothes into a bag and packed another bag, full of guns and bullets, you are probably asking yourself, how is Jackson going to be able to bring that onto a plane?

Well i have a private jet duh. I bring some if my men with me and call Xavier for a huge favor, even though he stopped hacking and being a part of my gang since Cleo left.

"I need you guys to come with my to Beverly Hills. Clep has been kidnappes, and shes pregnant, with my baby." I tell the most trusted members on my gang.

"Of course."


"Ill grab the stuff."

"We have your back."

"Of course boss." They all replied. I nodded and headed to the living room to call Xavier.


"Hey bro, i have a huge favor to ask of you."

"What is it." He huffs.

"Its Cleo, shes been kidnapped, and shes pregnant, with my baby."


"Yeah, so can you fly out to Beverly Hills and help me?"

"What about Elle, i dont want to bring her?"

"Fly her her, Kaylen can watch her."

"Would Kaylen even be okay with that?"

"I have no idea."

"Hey Ara is coming maybe she could help." I tell him.

"Fine, I'll bring her." He huffs.

"Thank you so much little bro, i owe you, ill be there in a few hours." I tell him and hang up. I bring my bags to my truck while everyone else does the same in there own. As im putting my final bag in the truck Ara drives up, turns her car off, grabs her bags and runs up to my car and throws them in it.

"Alright everyone, lets go!" I yell getting in the truck with Ara. Everyone else followed behind me. Once we fot to the jet, i had the attendants put our luggage in the jet, very quickly, i have no patience.

Once we are ready to fly we go.

"We are going to find her Jackson dont worry." Ara tells me.

"We dont know that, for all we know she could be dead." I growl.

"Dont say that." She says.

"Just shut up." I tell her, and she just rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. Now if that were Cleo, she would have fought back, thats what i love about her, she never quits, no matter what.

Once we landed i called Hunter and he was already waiting at the airport with the boys he met with us at the jet and boarded the jet.

"Thank you for telling me." We both said at the same time, we laughed then hugged. I carried both my boys in each hand and walked to a truck.

"Daddy wheres mommy?" Westen asked.

"Im not sure, but daddy will find her."

"Did you know mommy said we are having a sister?" Hayes says getting excited.

"Yeah she said shes growing in her tummy, thats why its really big." Westen yelled. I just smiled.

"Alright lets take you guys home and we will find mommy." I looked down at my phone for the address Hunter sent me and put it in my GPS. After a 45 minute drive i pulled up to a beach house. The boys jumped out of the car and ran inside. I nodded to everyone it was here and they got out and grabbed there things. I texted Xavier the adress for when he got here.

"Alright, i need Blake and Hadley on patrol of the house, Tom and Greg around town looking for anything weird and Lou and Smith on the computers just till Xavier gets here, then join Tom and Greg, take turns with patroling so nobody gets pissy." I tell them, they all nod and head to work. I walk down stairs to the boys watching tv.

"Daddy can you help me with homework, mommy and unlce Hunter normally do but..." Westen, says pointing to the paper in his lap.

"Of course bud, what do you have to do?"

"Write my name multiple times." He whines.

"Alright, come on you can do it." I tell him sitting next to him as he does it.

"Look see you got it."

"No, it doesnt look like the way mommy writes it, can you write it so i can see?" He asks holding the pencil in the air.

"Sure." I write his name and then he copies it for the last five times.

"Thanks daddy." He says.

"No problem, but where do you go to school?"

"Garden view elementary school, mommy takes me at 8." He says.

"And i stay with mommy all day and sometimes when she has to work i stay with Uncle Hunter."

"Can you take a nap with me, i missed you?" Westen says holding me.

"Of course bud." I say grabbing a blanket and putting it over him.

"Me too daddy!" Hayes yells running onto the other side of me and cuddling futher into my side.

Another chapter, just a filler, so yeah, Love, Haley

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