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Xavier is dropping me back off at the mansion and head back out to finish the job since I need to be home like I told Cleo I would be before I left. We haven't spoken to each other in a while, I've been trying to make amends with her for my actions with that woman in my office, I know I hurt her immensely and I know I can fix it and I wont stop till she has forgiven me. She is closed off and wont even look at me, she barley eats, she wont let me touch her, but I'm not giving up on her, she is the love of my life.

"You didn't have to kill the guy Jack." Xavier sneered.

"Don't tell me what needed to be done, I'm the boss, don't mistaken that." I glowered.

"All im saying is, he has a son, now what are you going to do with him?" He says gesturing to the back of the truck. Thomas's son is sleeping safely in the back holding a blanket I had Xavier bring from Elle's blankets.

"He shouldn't have lied tome, and ill figure it out for now he can stay with Cleo and I." I insist.

"How is Cleo?" Xavier wondered.

"Same as yesterday." I mumbled tightening my grip on the steering wheel. just trying to get home faster to see her, I know she ill be happy to see Weston, someone to make her happy and enjoy life since I can't at the moment.

"Why are you forcing her to be with you, you cheated on her, and not with just anybody, your ex-girlfriend Layla, who you dated for 3 years?" He rebuked, he wasn't wrong, it wasn't like I fucked some random girl, she was someone I spent a long time with someone I though could share a spot in my heart, but I thought wrong.

"I love her, Layla was and is nothing, she means nothing, she left me for some guy, not my problem." I spatted, he has no business sticking his noise into my dirty laundry, my personal life isn't affecting his so what does he have the right to speak to me about this for?

"If you love her you wouldn't have cheated on her, starting from day one when you asked her out. Shes miserable with you." He muttered, but that is where he out a dent in my hear, because he wasn't wrong, she was, I could see it, hell anyone could. But I am to selfish, to greedy to ever let her slip out of my finger tips into another mans arms when I know she will forgive me again.

"I cant let her leave me, I need to be with her and protect her, Layla was never something to me, she wasn't like Emma, and she is not even close to being like Cleo." I spoke lightly. about the two most drawn out women I have ever met, so alike yet so different. Both made an impact on me in such a short notice, Emma knows the me before I became serious about my life as it is now, and Cleo knows me as who I love to be and who I am proud to be.

"How is Emma?" I look over at Xavier and roll my eyes, he's trying to distract me.

"Shes fine I guess, I stopped keeping tabs on her, I only talk to her for one reason only, and you know why." I reply. I pull into the drive way and just take a deep breath before I head inside and try to talk to Cleo. Xavier looks over at me and tells me everything is going to be okay sooner or later.

"Alright well my beauty is waiting for me, bye bro." He says getting out of the truck jogging up to the mansion.

Why cant everything be good, why am I suck a fuck up, why cant I be good for her?

Why did I ever talk to her, let alone kidnap her? Its not safe for her, I can't be worrying about people, that's why I forced Emma to leave the country, she fought me hard to stay but I knew it was the best choice for her and it was. Shes in England now, its been four years.

I stop torturing myself with the sad truth and I get out of the seat and head to the back of the truck and pick up Weston and carry him to the front door and place him on the couch till I find him a permanent room he can stay in. I walk into my room quickly but somethings off, I'm normally greeted with a deadly looking glare coming from Cleo sitting on the couch doing absolutely nothing but this time shes not there. I look around and and see clothes all of the floor, but all her clothes remained hung, they were all mine. What the hell happened? I step out of the bedroom area and walk into my office.

"Cleo, what did you do?" I mumbled shuffling threw the mess of paper and glass all over the floor, it looks like someone was trying to find something, but I know its just Cleo. I step out and head to the bathroom and knock since the door was closed. but the bath was running.

"Cleo?" No answer. I open the door and see water all over the floor! My eyes slowly scan the scene before me and for once my body doesn't adjust to the blood and the lifeless body laying in front of me. She doesn't move, her eyes are closed, I grab her body out of the warm water and lay her down on the floor grabbing towels and covering her arms. Her body is still warm but she's pale,

"Cleo! Wake up!" I scream in pain. She isn't answering me, no signal of life her heart beat slow but there.

"Wake up you can't leave me!" I cry. I shuffle my hand in my pants to find my phone my fingers shake as blood smears across my screen as I dial 911. God help her please!

"My, my girlfriend, shes trying to kill herself, she has cuts going across her arm, , shes dying!" I shout into the phone as I hold onto Cleo.

"Sir please calm down, what's your address?"

"293 Stand-sons street. What do I do?" I asked the operator., my hands shake as I put pressure on her arms, the towels are slowly seeping to the color red.

"Police and an ambulance are on there way, but check for a pulse, try her neck." I grab her and feel for her pulse, its barely there.

"Shes barely holding on, please hurry!" I cry angrily. This is my fault, I'm to blame.

"Alright make sure you have a lot of pressure on the wound. They are almost there."

"I am. I'm taking her outside, so they can get her faster." I step outside and see the ambulance coming, I run up to them and they take her from my hands. Everything freezes, I can hear my own heartbeat, she cant die. She just can't

"Sir! Are you coming or driving to the hospital?" The paramedic asks hurriedly.

"Uh my son, I'll drive." I croaked. He nods his head and runs to the ambulance and I ran inside, Weston is wide awake on the couch looking up at me his eyes as large as light bulbs, I look down at my clothes and see why, I'm soaking wet with blood all over me. I need to calm down for him.

"Hey buddy, we need to go to the hospital. A very important girl needs our help, and is in danger okay?" I say grabbing his hand and walking to the truck.

"Wheres my daddy?" He whimpers.

"He went away, but I'm here to take care of you, okay?" I say buckling him in and driving off to the hospital.

"Okay." He whispers. I look back at him and see him staring off out of the window and slowly drifting back to sleep, His eyes set open mine and smiles before closing his eyes and sleeping peacefully. Cleo is going to be okay I tell myself over and over again, she has to be, she will be.

Hello every body, i wrote again and im doing it again tonight, spring break is over sadly which means not as many chapters till summer break, but i got u, Love, Haley

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