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Cleos pov

We are on our way to this unknown place and i can feel my stomach turning, i dont know if i should he excited, or nervous that i might not see my baby. I just keep my eyes on the road as Jackson drives.

"Hey relax, we will get him." Jackson says putting his hand on my thigh and rubs it lightly calming me down.

"Jack?" I say. I grab his hand from my thigh and just hold it in my lap.

"Hmm." He replies back looking at me then the road.

"Nevermind." I huff out.

"No, tell me, whats on your mind?" He says tapping his fingers against my hand.

"I want you."

"Really?" He asks with hope laced in his word.

"Yes." I breathed out. I looked at him nervous and slightly embarrassed.

"I missed you." He says taking my hand and gently kissing it. We drove up to this abandoned house. Everyone got out of the cars with their guns up and ready, same as Jackson and myself.

Jackson walked up to the door first with me following behind him he kicked the door open and checked around the house. We all split up and took different routes.

"Hayes." I whispered.

"Hayes baby, its mommy." I said. I turned into this disgusting bathroom.

"Hayes?" I called out. I stepped out and heard a cough, coming from the bathroom.

"Hayes baby, is that you, its mommy?" I said scared. I opened the bottom sink cabinet and there he was.

"Jackson!" I screamed as i grabbed Hayes, he was barely moving, but he held onto me.

I ran out of the bathroom holding his body and head.

"Jackson, i found him!" I said as i ran out of the house crying meeting Jackson he ran up to me and hugged us both. We got into the car and drove to the hospital.

"I cant come in, but take him, go." Jackson says. I hope out of the car and run into the hospital.

"Help my son he needs help!" I shout, a nurse runs up to me and takes my baby, i follow her until she tells me to stop, she had another nurse come and question me.

6 hours later

"Ms.Woods?" Says a nurse, i stand up and walk towards her.

"Follow me, i will take you to your son." She says. As we walk she tells me he is sleeping. Once i enter the room i walk up to him and notice all the IV bags near him and a few stitches on his forhead and an arm brace.

"Hello Ms. Woods?" Im guess was the doctor i assume as i turn around and look at him.

"Hi." I say shaking his hand and pulling up a chair next to Hayes.

"So Hayes will be fine, we just want to keep him here over night till he is stable, he has a sprained arm, he had to have stitched on his forhead due to a few gashes and fluids because he was severely dehydrated." He says reading off of the clip board.

"Thank you, so much, thank you for saving my boy." I cried.

"Its my pleasure Ms.Woods." he says rubbing my back and then leaving. I sit and stair at Hayes as he sleeps so greatful hes safe and is going to be okay.

"Hi." I say answering the FaceTime with Jackson, Westen, Elle, and Xavier.

"Hi mommy." Westen says waving at the camera.

"How is he?" Jackson asks, i flip the camera over so he can see him.

"He had to get a few stitches, he has a sprained arm and needed a lot of fluides because he was severely dehydrated." I tell him as i play with his hair and get it out of his face.

"When can he leave?" Asks Xavier.

"Tomorrow." After i said that Xavier takes the kids and me and Jackson talk.

"This cant happen again Jack, hes only three, what if it was Westen, oh God, Westy?" I cry.

"Relax Cleo, it wont i promise you, i want you three to move back in with me, except we all live in the mansion where everyone else lives, it will be safer and i will always be around, unless we are on a run, plus we have a safe room, we made it when we found out Elle was born. Please?" He says.

"I dont know, that seems really fast."

"We dont have to share a room together just live under the same roof, for your safety, we can take it slow, please?" He says.

"Alright, but i want to be in my own room near the boys."

"Alright thats fine, deal, ill have my guys bring your things to the mansion it will be here by time you both get back." He says, excitement laced with his words.

"Mommy?" Hayes says, i sit up and flip the camera so Jackson can see him.

"Oh my baby, i missed you, are you okay?" I ask kissing his cheek.

"I okay." He says rubbing his eyes.

"Wheres Westy?" He asks.

"He with daddy." I say handing him the phone so he can see Jack.

"Hi daddy." He says smiling really big.

"Hi baby, i miss you." He says, Hayes just is smiling really big, between both the boys, Hayes missed Jack the most.

"I miss you, but the bad man, is he going to get me?" He says scared.

"No never, i promise Hayes." Jackson says.

"Mommy?" Hayes says looking up at me.

"Yes baby?"

"I wanna go home."

Another chapter folks hope you like this one, this chapter seems kind of boring when i was writing it you tell me if it was pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Love, Haley

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