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When i wake up, the boys are still sleeping, i get up carefully and take a picture of them all, all cuddled up and being cute.

I get dressed for work and go make food for me and everyone else before i leave.

As i make food Hayes comes wobbling in rubbing his eyes.

"Hi." He says standing next to me carelessly.

"Well goodmoring baby." I smile looking down at him.

"Im hungwy." He says.

"Im almost done making food, you wanna go sit down?" I ask and he nods and walks to the table, i lift him up so he can sit on his knees and wait.

I make Hayes a little plate of eggs and  two pieces of bacon and give him his sippy with apple juice.

"Tank you." He says drinking the juice first.

"You're welcome baby." I head up stairs and lightly tap Westen.

"Hm?" He says.

"I made food." He opens his eyes quickly and slowly crawls out of bed to the kitchen. I jump on the bed and fall on Jacks legs. He jolts up, panicked.

"What are you doing?" He says throwing his head back down on the pillow closing his eyes.

"Trying to wake you up, foods ready." I say laying on his body and playing with his hair.

"Come on!" I say shuffling his hair around.

"Five more minutes." He begs and holds me.

"No, you need to get up, i have work." I say kissing his face.

"Five minutes." He pleads and grabs my butt.

"No, come on please!" I plead sitting up on his lap my feet on either side of him.

"Well if you would get off me i would glady get up." He says. I go to get up but he pulls me down to him.

"But, i do like this position, you on top." He whispers in my ear. I can feel the blush creeping up on my face. I get off him and head to the kitchen.

I make Westen and Jacks plate and eat a bit of my own before leaving for work.

"Alright bye boys, behave, by Jack." I say walking to the door and kissing Jack on the way out. I take one last glance at them all and just smile.

My little family.

Added in a short chapter, just a filler, Love, Haley

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