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         I groan and slide over feeling the other side of the bed is cold and isn't warm anymore, it 3:27 in the morning, come on, this is the third time tonight, except this time is different, Jackson isn't in the bed, he was the last two times I look around the room before getting up to go get another glass of water. I get up out of the bed and place my feet on the cold floor and chills run up my legs and up my arms. I walk to the door and quietly open it not to disturb anyone else that is in the other rooms near us, if there is anyone even in them and I walk out of the room, I walk down the hallway down a flight of stairs and went into the living room down another hallway into the kitchen and walked over to the dish drain and grabbed a clean glass cup and poured myself a glass of water, I take two big gulps of water feeling it smoothly glide down my throat in awe. I finish the cold beverage and go to rinse the cup when I hear a tapping noise.
"Hello love." I dropped my cup on the floor and it shattered all over the place and a few glass shards fell on my feet slightly cutting me a bit but the sting was nothing compared to yesterday's events. He looked good, he didn't look evil or like a killer, he looks like a man catching up on his work at the best time where nobody will bother you.
"Why, why did you have to scare me?" I pleaded. He just laughed, in a raspy deep way that sent chills running down my back and making my neck hair stand up.
"Didn't mean to, I was just doing some work down here." He says holding up papers and waving them around in the air.
"In the dark? Sure..." I say picking up the pieces of glass that I can see and throw them out, hopefully, nobody comes in hear barefoot because I don't know where the broom and dustpan are to clean up the little bits and pieces.
"Anyways, I'm going back to bed, hopefully, I don't wake up, again," I say shuffling past him, and flicking on the lights so he can see what he is doing instead of being in the dark. He grabs my arm and makes me jump in fear, by his sudden movements, as soon as he noticed my sign of fear and panic he let go, his hand fell down on the counter and his eyes met mine, I smiled softly at him and noticed he had a faint smile too.
"I'll be up soon." He mumbles looking back at his papers that are scattered all over the kitchen table. Scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. I nod my head even though he didn't see me do it, I think I just did that for my own well-being and walked upstairs. I get back into bed and fall fast asleep very peaceful cuddled up against Jackson's pillows, hi scent lingers all over his bed and I can't say I'm complaining. After a good couple of hours of sleep, I am being woken up with soft shakes to my arm, I groan and turn over towards the person with my eyes still closed.
"Mm, what?" I breathe out, they keep shaking me even though they can tell I have woken from my peaceful slumber, I grabbed the blanket tightly and covered my head hoping they will just go away.
"I'm taking you home." Coming from Jackson, I opened my eyes and shot up and look at him surprised, did he just say what I think he just said? Or am I still sleeping?
"Really?" I say standing up with a smile on my face, relieved he's finally letting me go. I could see in his eyes disappointment but soon filled with nothingness, hiding his emotions yet again.
"Yeah come on." He says standing up from the edge of his bed and walking out of the room downstairs, I follow him out of the bedroom and downstairs into the living room. We walk outside and he turns around with a bandanna in his hands looking at me, he uses his finger in a turning motion and I roll my eyes and turn around, I feel him close behind me and brings the bandanna up to my eyes and ties it to the back of my head and leads me to his car.
"I'm putting this on, I don't need people knowing where my people are." He says grabbing my arm and putting me in the passenger seat of the vehicle. I close my eyes and just enjoy the ride home, after 20 minutes he takes my blindfold off making me jump from the sudden closeness and I look over at him.
"Alright, I'm pretty sure you won't be able to figure out my spot." He says throwing the blindfold in the back of the car not caring where it lands.
"Trust me, I don't think I will come back," I murmured. Rolling my eyes and looking out the window gazing at all the trees changing from green to red.
"Don't give me the attitude." He growled, I looked over at him and watched as he began clenching his fingers on the wheel.
"Sorry," I say quickly and look out the window rubbing my neck from it being sore and close my eyes trying to relax.
"Can I see?" He asks, I open my eyes and looked over at him and see him looking at me and then back on the road constantly.
"See what?" I ask honestly confused with the things this man says. He shakes off his dumbfounded looks and astonished.
"What I did to you." He announces nonchalantly. I felt a little uneasy when he said this, I didn't want him to see them, besides the one you could see without my clothing covering them up.
"I don't- why?" I ask still rubbing my neck a little nervous about this topic.
"I just want to see." He said, his jaw sharp as ever as it flexes, he eyes on the road straight and narrow.
"You don't need to," I say looking out the window at all the trees, not wanting to see his reaction to my answer since he really doesn't like the word no, or anything like it.
"Don't be like this." He says putting a hand on my shoulder making me flinch. He doesn't remove his hand but he gently rubs my shoulder soothing the slight pain the bumpy car ride is causing me.
"Don't tell me how to be, you have done enough," I reply coldly tired of these games he plays. His hand stiffens on my shoulder but he doesn't do anything.

L"Don't give me attitude Cleo." He demands moving his hand off my shoulder and back on the steering wheel
"Oh, what are you going to do torture me?" I reply angrily. He beat me, made me feel like I was incapable of helping myself, and he still is demanding me not to give him attitude.
"I can just turn around and do that too, that would be fun." He said with an evil smirk on his face once I look over at him, I look at him ready to slap him, but I decided otherwise on my action. But decide maybe this is just what Mr. Led needs in his life.
"You are disgusting, you animal," I tell him about to slap him but he grabs my hand and starts squeezing to the point where I think he is about to snap a few bones.
"Ow!" I start yelling, in pain grabbing his hand over mine trying to pry it off my almost broken hand. I whimper, and look at his hand then back up at his face, he was smiling, he was enjoying this, he was enjoying causing me pain, he really is crazy.
"Why are you smiling prick?" I said staring at his deadly blue eyes, and I noticed the wrinkles on his face, and how he was still smiling at me as his face is red.
"You think you can talk to me the way you do, it's funny." His grip on my hand never falters, I'm done shedding tears for this man, he isn't going to get to see my pain. I stop reacting to the horrid pain and go blank, he looks over at me when I eventually stop moving, he releases his grip and his face goes from a devilish smirk to a handsome smile.
          I look back at the road and notice my apartment building is in front of me. He stops right at the walkway and puts the car in park, I grab my wrist and unlock the car, before I open the door I give him one final look.
"You are disgusting, you enjoy giving people pain, no wonder why you are alone," I say getting out of his car and walking in my apartment building. He drove off as soon as I got out of the car with a nice slam to the door. At least that's the last time I am ever going to see or talk to Jackson Led, that man is a nightmare that haunts my reality.

How many siblings do you have? if you don't have any, how many would you want?
Love, Haley

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