Chapter 1

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To the victims

Part I: Eve

The Grasshopper, wearing a black uniform without any insignia, tall and slim, with a long narrow face, fair hair neatly combed back with gel revealing his tall forehead, watched with the perpetually serious and contemplative gaze of his gray-green eyes, as the body of the president of Earth fell onto the medallion that was woven into the middle of the oriental rug, in fine, regular knots in the color of old gold.

Blood seeped in a thin stream from a small wound on the president’s forehead, down the root of his nose, past his opened eye and down his cheek, creating a new irregular ornament on the rug.

The Grasshopper bent down to return the revolver to the holster on his thigh.

Vice President Erivan passed by the Grasshopper, sat down in the naturally velvety leather armchair, and placed his large fists on the massive desk, made of five different types of wood: mahogany, cherry, chestnut, walnut and Carpathian elm.

The front of the desk was decorated with a relief of the planet Earth.

The wall behind Vice President Erivan was interrupted by a long string of large windows, currently covered by heavy dark red curtains. Hanging on it was the state flag, depicting a blue planet on a black background.

Erivan’s large round head, sitting atop his bull-like neck, featured fat cheeks, a large nose, bulging eyes with no eyelashes, and thinning eyebrows.

Positioned between the relief and the blue Earth, it created a perfect symmetry of three orbs.

“Mr. President,” said the Grasshopper, interrupting the silence.

Erivan raised his eyes from the cramped body before him and looked at the Grasshopper.

“You, Grasshopper, are the person to first have the right to call me by that name,” he said, with a slight smile.

“Thank you, Mr. President.”

“With this act… on this night… starts…,” Erivan stopped, contemplatively, searching for the right word, “…a new era in the history of mankind. You are now going on your most important mission ever. Are you aware of that, Grasshopper?”

“I am, Mr. President.”

“Are you aware of all the things that depend on you, what responsibility you are taking upon yourself? The responsibility of protecting the Constitution, the responsibility for the survival of the State, the survival of civilization?”

“Yes, I am, Mr. President. Fully.”

“Do you know that I would not entrust anyone else with such a mission? Do you understand the trust that I have in you?”

“I understand Mr. President and I am grateful for it. I will justify your trust.”

“I know you will, I know. When do you leave?”

“Immediately, Mr. President.”

“Alright. In that case I won’t keep you. Good luck, Grasshopper.”

“Thank you, Mr. President,” said the Grasshopper and left the office at a fast pace.

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