1.31 ϟ "I'm glad its over."

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[IMPORTANT AUTHORS NOTE] One more chapter! I can't believe it! ANYWHO, I'd really love some feedback from you all! Please don't be a silent reader and voter, I love to talk to you guys in the comments! If it helps get you thinking about what to say, here are some questions Id love an answer to!

What have you thought of Remilda's story?

Is there anything you'd like to see more or less of in the sequel?

Thank you loves! Stay classy!


        Remilda slowly approached the crouch in the Gryffindor Common Room where Harry was seated. He hadn't left since he got back from speaking with Dumbledore. No doubt that he had more than enough swarming around in his head

"Harry, are you okay?" Remilda asked as she slowly sat down beside him, "George says everyone's taking the news hard in the Order. So if you want to talk, in sure there are people who will listen. I'll listen if you want,"

"I'm fine, Remilda," he replied, his eyes not meeting her own. His hand that was on the armrest was picking at a loss thread so that's where his eyes were. "but how long did you know?" he asked, glancing at her and then the few prophets that people had been passing around. On the top half it read 'HE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED RETURNS' and at the bottom it read 'Harry Potter's Sister'.

       It had come out when Voldemort possessed Harry. He told Harry about Remilda, and when Harry came out of it he asked Dumbledore and the Minister overheard and it became big news next to Voldemort's return. She wasn't just;

"Remilda Jane Potter, Harry's cousin from America who had to move because of some circumstances." which was what she was used to.

Now she was; "Harry Potter's older sister that James and Lily Potter hid before they were killed."

        She didn't really have a name when it came to a lot of people. She was just The Sister now. She had tried not to dwell on that much, but it was difficult when people were always asking questions about it. Even people like Ron and Lucy who had known Remilda for a year.

"Since a week or so before Valentine's Day..." Remilda confessed.

Harry sighed heavily and slouched more in his seat, "And why didn't you tell me?" he asked.

"Because things were fine before," Remilda said quickly, not really thinking about how she worded it to him. "Me and Rae, we were...are, I don't know...well me and her grew up together. My...dad or uncle or whatever, he raised me. You were my cousin. Being your cousin was enough to talk about..." she said leaning back on the couch.

"Does your dad know that you know?" he asked, "Uncle? What do you think you're going to do?"

Remilda covered her eyes with her hands for a moment and rubbed them, "I don't know, Harry..." she stated, "I'll probably call him my dad still, and Rae is still my sister." she shrugged, "Changing what I call them would just be...too much."

Harry nodded, "Yeah, it must be hard finding out you have more family-"

"Harry, don't you start that again," Remilda groaned, "you're my brother, I'm not going to deny that. You're more stuck with me than you were when we were just cousins." she said, finishing with a smirk.

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