1.17 ϟ Lucy & Hermione

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That night, Lucy, Hermione, and Remilda got into the dormitory late. Lucky neither of the other two girls were the type to go tell anyone, they had both been late getting in a few times. However instead of getting all in bed, the three huddled on Lucy's bed, the curtains down and a silencing charm to keep their conversations hidden. Lucy had also gotten a bunch of stuff while they were in Hogsmead, and neither of the girls were really tired. So they were all going to spend some time talking and rummaging through the candies Lucy hadn't eaten yet.

"Did you see Ron's face when you stunned him?" Lucy smirked as she dropped a handful of stuff in the middle of their little circle.

Hermione's cheeks flushed pink.

Lucy smile, "I wish I could do that shield spell," she said looking at Remilda. "my dad says barely anyone at the Ministry can even form one."

"Really?" Remilda rose an eyebrow, "It was an essential for first years at Ilvermorny."

Hermione sighed heavily, "Ilvermorny sounds brilliant." she said honestly.

Remilda smiled, "It was, er, is." she replied, "But you guys have Dumbledore at least. Debner, the Headmistress as Ilvermorny," she sighed shaking her head.

"Was she bad?" Lucy asked.

"Imagine Umbridge just not cruel." Remilda replied, "Really, if it wasn't for the school board or the student council, Debner would have had all the same rules."

"What did she say when you were transferring?"

Remilda shrugged, "I don't think she was too upset about it," she confessed, "her and my dad didn't exactly see eye to eye. She was probably happy to finally have him gone..."

Remilda rummaged through the pile in the middle. Until her hand found a circular box. She twisted the cap and pulled it off and held it closer to the luminating wand that was also in the middle of the bed.

"Where did you get Crystallised Pineapple!?" Remilda exclaimed reading the lid of the container. "My mom used to get this for me and Rae every year for Christmas for our stockings," Remilda smiled, "But then the shop that sold them stopped selling them because they weren't popular enough."

"Honeydukes," Lucy replied as she took one, as did Hermione when Remilda held out the container before taking one for herself. "next Hogsmead trip, I'll show you the shop."

Remilda smiled as she worked on getting the crystals of sugar off of the piece of pineapple.

"Do you still talk to your friends back in the states?" Hermione as as she found a chocolate wand to have for herself and Lucy found a licorice wand.

Remilda shook her head, "I probably should write them...well, her. I didn't have a ton of friends." she confessed, "I mean, I had friends and such, just not as many as Raelyn did for example."

Lucy scoffed, "I know how that feels..." she sighed, "Cedric had tons of friends."

"I guess it comes with being the youngest." Remilda shrugged, "Never bothered me though." she confessed as she popped another piece of pineapple in her mouth.

There was a silence between the three of them for a moment. Until Hermione brought up a subject that Remilda wasn't expecting at all.

"So, is it true? What Luna told Ginny?" Hermione asked, raising an eyebrow sharply.

Remilda stared at her, "I dunno," she paused, "what did she tell Ginny?"

"Well," she paused, "apparently, Luna told Ginny, and then Ginny asked me if I could ask you if you liked George."

Remilda groaned, "Luna..." she drifted into a pause as she started to get butterflies just thinking about the few times Luna has brought it up, "she's been convinced that I like George for weeks."

Lucy snickered, "Do you?"

"No." she said flatly, but the butterflies in her stomach told her she was lying. "I don't know...maybe? I don't think I do."

Hermione grinned, "You do don't you!"

"That's not what I said, Hermione." she retorted.

Lucy laughed a bit, "But you implied it."

Remilda rolled her eyes, "Luna's corrupted you both," she sighed, "I don't want to catch the Loony bug so I'm off to bed, and I'm taking the pineapple..." she said dramatically as she began to move the curtain to get out but Lucy grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Okay, okay, you don't." she stated, but then after a moment, "That's what we'll keep saying even though we know it's a lie." after that the two of them began laughing.

"Why don't you just admit it, Remilda?" Hermione as as Lucy pulled her back down into a seated position.

"There's nothing to admit."

Hermione didn't say anything, she simply rose an eyebrow and stared at Remilda. Her brown eyes piercing right through her.

"Why does it matter?" Remilda asked, beginning to squirm under Hermione's gaze. But Hermione didn't look away, she was just waiting. "Why does it matter?" she asked again, this time looking at Lucy. Only to find that she was giving her the same look.

At this point the butterflies in the pit of her stomach were flapping around violently.

"Does he like me back?" Remilda asked before she could think about the question in her head before it came out of her mouth.

"Back?" Lucy echoed, a mischievous smirk appearing on her face.

"I'm going to bed," Remilda replied quickly as she got up off of the bed.

As she heard Lucy and Hermione giggling, she felt her cheeks beginning to turn red. Luckily it was dark and the light from outside wasn't enough to reveal that to them. Remilda quietly sat the circular box on her bedside table as she climbed under covered to go to sleep. However, the occasional snicker from Lucy's bed kept reminding her that she had practically just admitted that she did in fact like George, she practically admitted that Luna's assumptions since school first began were true.

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