1.9 ϟ Jacob Potter

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AUTHORS NOTE: I miss putting it at the top, so here it is! Thank you so much for sticking with Remilda so far! Please don't be a silent reader! I can't wait to chat with you guys!

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       Remilda quickly finished scribbling on the piece of paper, finishing up writing down the assignment for Defense Against the Dark Arts. It wasn't much of an assignment, but for the past two days of classes Remilda found herself forgetting to do things. So she decided not to risk it, she had forgotten to do her assignment for Monday, and today's. So she wasn't really going to go for a third day in a row.

"Miss Potter, I expect the missing assignments by the end of today," Professor Umbridge said as she paused in front of the desk that Remilda and Lucy had claimed as their seats.

"But the policy is by the end of the month." Lucy pointed out, "We have work from Charms and we have to study for a quiz in Potions."

"Miss Diggory, if Miss Potter would like to pass this class as well she will have those assignments in by the end of the day-"

"But that's not fair." Lucy retorted back sharply.

        Remilda wanted to sink down into her seat, the tension between Lucy and Umbridge was tangible. And Remilda was right in the middle of it.

"Lucy, it's fine." she said giving Lucy a look as if to tell her to drop it and then looked up at Umbridge, "I'll have the assignments in. Can I just bring them to your office or where would you like me to bring-"

"But it's not policy," Lucy cut in, "Remilda, you're supposed to have until the end of the month."

"Lucy, it's just a few assignments-"

"Yeah it is, so this toad shouldn't be making such a big deal about waiting a few weeks-"

       The entire classroom fell completely silent. Everyone's eyes were at the from of the room at the desk that Lucy and Remilda had claimed. Remilda stared at Lucy, her eyes wide. Her throat was going dry, she was so shocked that she felt paralyzed. Nobody moved, but a few people began to quietly continue packing their things to go move on with their day. Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Raelyn however all had their eyes glued on the situation.

"Detention, Miss Diggory!" Umbridge exclaimed, and then looked down at Remilda. "Miss Potter you can join her." she added in, "Fifty points from Gryffindor."

      Remilda and Lucy both walked out of the room, silently. But Lucy was still fuming.

"I can't believe Dumbledore is letting her teach like this," Lucy stated coldly. "First she insults Cedric, and is practically torturing everyone, now this?"

Remilda didn't say anything at first, "That didn't need to happen, Lucy..."

Lucy sighed heavily, "Yeah, yeah I know. I just couldn't help myself. When she said Ceds death was an accident, I wanted to be sick!" she was fuming angry, "And she had no reason to be so unfair to you! Honestly, Remilda, you don't need to take that! You know she's only doing this sort of thing to you because of Harry."

"I'm not going to intentionally cause problems." she replied. And she meant that, unlike Raelyn and even Lucy, she wasn't going to go out of her way to cause anything with Umbridge.

     That evening, after Herbology Remilda made her way to the Great Hall with a list of homework to do. However, her first priority was Defense Against the Dark Arts. After dinner, she'd be going to the detention that she didn't even deserve with Lucy. She wanted to be able to show up with something done, hopefully to earn some good points with Umbridge and maybe get be with a short sentence for her lines that Umbridge made everyone do.

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