1.15 ϟ We Don't Keep Secrets.

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The next morning at breakfast, Remilda was exhausted. Absolutely exhausted. She had gotten next to no sleep. She had a bit of hope for her father when he wasn't in yesterday's Prophet. But that morning when she walked into the Great Hall, that bit of hope vanished as soon as Fred and George sat down. Although they were both still fuming mad about the outcome of the Quidditch match that resulted in both of them and Harry getting booted off the team until further notice, they were exceptionally quiet as they handed Remilda their copy of the prophet. She had been hopeful, probably stupid of her to be, but she was. She had hoped that her father had gone so far into hiding that she wouldn't have to fess up and explain to Raelyn and Harry that it was her fault that their father and his only likeable uncle was in Azkaban.


Remilda felt like she was going to be sick. Under the title, there was a moving image of her father in the striped Azkaban jumpsuit. With a prisoner number in his hands in front of him, and chains around his wrists. He didn't look too weak, but he didn't look great either. He looked exhausted and defeated. And when he would look towards the camera, he seemed to look right at her. Making her feel even more guilty.

Noteable wizard, Jacob William Potter, was arrested yesterday evening by Aurors in Toronto, Canada. He had gone into hiding among the muggles in the city when Canadian Aurors who had been made aware of the search two weeks ago finally were able to find him. He was apprehended and escorted to the Ministry of Magic where he was sentenced to Azkaban until questioning under these following charges;

Treason against the Ministry; recruiting witches and wizards to prepare to fight against You-Know-Who and Ministry if it came to that.
Knowing the location of Azkaban Escapee, Sirius Black.
Fleeing the country and avoiding arrest.

Potter's illegal activity was first noted three weeks prior to the unfortunate death of his wife, Allison Potter. He was released from his post from the Aurors office in America when he began to suggest that his wife's death would not have happened if the Ministry of Magic would have been proactive in locating You-Know-Who. After losing his job, he relocated his family to Scotland, and convinced Headmaster Dumbledore to allow his daughters to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Potter was located due to a letter he sent to his daughter who had previously agreed to assist the Ministry in locating him by writing to him. However, due to his daughter being most likely brainwashed to believe that You-Know-Who has returned, she sent a second letter explaining that he could know write them under the name Jacob Potter, but could use the name Talon instead. However, High Inquisitor Dolores Umbridge at the school suspected something in these letters and ordered her mail be intercepted.

Jacob Potter has been placed in High Security. That level has extra security since Black's escape two years ago. Jacob Potter's official hearing is scheduled for January 3rd of this up and coming year so his daughters and nephew, Harry Potter, may attend his hearing and speak to him for what could be the last time.

Remilda's eyes flicked back to the picture at the top of the article. Her eyes beginning to burn with tears.

"We thought you would want to read about it before someone brought it us..." Fred said simply.

"Has Raelyn seen it?" Remilda asked, "What about Harry?"

"You're about to find out..." Fred started glancing back towards the Great Hall doors.

"And she does not look very happy." George added.

"Quite the opposite really," Fred continued.

Remilda Jane Potter  [1]Where stories live. Discover now