1.26 ϟ Hannah

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Remilda had found a comfortable spot after dinner to seat herself in the courtyard. She had to catch up on the work she hadn't been doing all week. It had been a week since Valentines Day, a quite good week actually. She had managed to get by without having Umbridge even saying much of anything to her. Raelyn on the other hand had gotten a second detention that involved writing a new line after she said something along the line of 'oh yes, god forbid we use our wands at all at a magic school' when Unbridge told Neville to put his wand away.

Remilda had kept her nose out of it. After her meeting with Dumbledore, when she watched the memories, she wasn't sure of she could even bare to hear the words 'your sister' without feeling sick to her stomach. Part of her was absolutely furious that her parents...or aunt and uncle had raised her to believe they were her parents and Raelyn was her sister and to believe that Harry was their cousin. While really, Harry was her brother. Harry should have been able to feel like he had family long before now. She should have been able to go to Hogwarts. And now, thinking back on it, it made sense...

Wow, that's your mom? You look nothing like her.

Remilda looks just like her dad.

So now, those things made sense. The little things people say if they saw her mother. It made sense now. Hell, one time someone just came right out and asked her if she was adopted. To her then, that had been a ridiculous thought. But now, it seemed so obvious. She had taken a lot of time in Potions class where she sat across from Harry to even find similarities. Even their eyes were the same shape and had the same welcoming spark that Lily's had. Of course Harry's were a bright shade of green, Remilda's were mostly blue but towards the middle they were green. It was amazing that she had never put it together before then. Raelyn had her mothers brown hair and their fathers dark hazel eyes. The only thing that Remilda had was the dark hair that could pass for a characteristic from Jacob Potter.

"Still trying to finish all that?" George asked as he plopped down on the bench beside her. Mostly all of the students had left their jackets in their rooms and were just sported sweaters as the weather began to mildly change.

"I've got to eventually," Remilda sighed, "any studying I can get for the OWL's the better."

"Really, the OWL's are just a piece of paper." he shrugged, "not at all that important."

"If I want to become a Healer it is," she reminded him, "I don't think they'd let me if I told them I didn't think exams like the OWL were important."

He shrugged, "Who knows, the Potter name is pretty lucky," he stated, "Harry should have died or been expelled a few times by now."

"And you and Fred shouldn't have been expelled by now?" she asked raising an eyebrow.

He smirked, "See, McGonagall would never admit it, but I think she has found Fred and I quite amusing."

"I'm pretty sure she wouldn't agree with that at all, actually." she retorted with a shrug.

"Did you hear 'bout Trelawney?" George asked as he watched her pull out a Divination textbook. "Umbridge tried to sack her," he stated, "tried to kick her right out of the castle."

"Can she do that?" Remilda asked.

"Apparently she can fire people. But can't kick them out." he replied.

Remilda sighed heavily, "How much longer do you think she'll be here? If I have to suffer through two more years with her..." she groaned.

George chuckled.

Before they could continue on with their conversation, a grey owl swooped down and landed on the arm of the bench. Remilda had never seen it before, but it held a letter, folded up and it read Remmy in bold ink on it so she eyed the owl carefully, and then took the paper from the bird.

Remilda Jane Potter  [1]Where stories live. Discover now