1.23 ϟ Open the Locket

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His body was cold and stiff as she wrapped her arms around him. It was like the sentencing had sunk in, and replaced the warmth and confidence in every single fiber of his body. She tightened her grip on him, as if that would help.

"I'm so sorry, dad," she sobbed, her head resting on his chest.

But he was silent, not a single word came from his mouth.

"Please, say something!" she begged and as soon as she did, it was as if any flesh that was still covering his bones melted away. "Dad?" she said nervously as she loosened her grip for a moment and took a step back. She looked up at his face, just in time to see his skin dry up and fall to the floor as dust. Revealing his skull, and as that happened his entire body that was nothing but a skeleton fell to the ground...

"Miss Potter,"

Remilda jolted awake, sitting at her usual seat in Defense Against the Dark Arts. She felt like she had been holding her breath, because she was taking in little gasps of air. She hadn't slept well for the week the two weeks since the hearing. Every night she had similar nightmares. Her father never said a word to here, and each one ended with him dying.

"Sorry, Professor," she said quickly looking up at the woman that had essentially been the reason her father was in Azkaban now for the rest of his life.

Remilda hadn't said anything to anyone the whole way back to the elevator, or to the fireplaces. The whole time she kept her mouth shut and her eyes casted down at the ground. Even when she first got back to the house, she didn't say anything. Even as Molly tried to speak with her, she simply walked passed them all and hurried up the stairs. But she didn't even make it halfway before the tears began to pour over. Within seconds her cheeks were covered in tears and her throat was stinging from holding back her sobs.

"Remmy," as she rounded the corner and heard George's voice. "How'd it...go?" he asked while he was walking down the hall to go downstairs most likely.

Remilda didn't say anything. What was she supposed to say? It went fine, they had the outcome they had assumed they would get? Because that was basically all there was to it. Nothing more and nothing less.

However, before Remilda could even attempt to get any words to come out of her mouth; George had his arms around her, in a tight hug.

"I'm n-never going to see him again, G-George..."

Remilda quickly looked back down at her textbook and then glanced over at Lucy's and saw they had changed pages. So she quickly caught up and did her best to catch up with where they were in the extremely childish textbook.

"You said you slept well last night," Lucy whispered towards her.

Remilda shrugged, "I slept better than I have been..."

Lucy rose an eyebrow, as if to call her a liar. "Really?"

"I hope you two are reading the assignment." Umbridge said as she walked up the aisle on Lucy's side.

The two girls quickly turned back to the pages in front of them. However Remilda was pretty sure she happened to drift off again before she jolted awake as her head fell forward. And that happened a handful of times before the class was up. Then with that, Lucy and Remilda hurried ahead of the others to the Great Hall. rumor had that it was someone's birthday today and the house elves found out and were going to having a birthday cake. Ilvermorny elves did that as well, but in all honesty it wasn't all that great. But Lucy insisted it was good at Hogwarts. So the two of them hurried along so they could actually get a seat instead of squeezing in between people.

Remilda Jane Potter  [1]Where stories live. Discover now