1.11 ϟ Lorenzo Crouch

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Her eyes could barely focus on the words in front of her on the pages of the textbook for potions. The week had dragged on, it had been easier with Umbridge still, but Snape had made up for it.

"Miss Potter of you would oh so kind to to actually pay a bit of attention on the lesson? You might be able to actually get an Acceptable on the next quiz."

The only reason she had failed the last was because she was too preoccupied with things that were much more important that a stupid Potions quiz. Regardless, now Remilda was stuck trying to catch up with it all. Potions, Charms, Transfiguration...it all seemed to just sneak up on her.

"How do you have so much to catch up on?" George asked as he sat down across from her, next to Lucy Diggory who Remilda had been spending more time with since their detention.

"I don't even know..." Remilda sighed heavily, "I need to start doing it during free periods."

George scoffed.

"Honestly, I don't even know how this happened," Remilda groaned motioned to the pile of work she still had to catch up on.

Lucy sighed, "You could pay someone to do it-"

"I already told you, Lucy, I'm not doing that." Remilda said quickly, cutting her off in the middle of her sentence. "I'm not cheating," she paused, "Raelyn got in more trouble for cheating than she ever did for jinxing someone's broom in Quadpot."

Lucy shrugged, "Your choice, but while you are sitting in here doing that, I'll be in Hogsmead tomorrow. So you'll be on your own."

Remilda frowned, "I'm honestly not jealous of you signing up to break the rules..." she mumbled, "I'm trying to keep on good terms with Umbridge."

Two days earlier, Hermione had gone around telling people to meet at the Hogs Head if anyone wanted to do something about Umbridge's teaching style. Raelyn was going, the twins were going, Lucy was going, Luna was probably going--- but Remilda wasn't convinced. Of course she hated Umbridge with a burning passion and hated her style of teaching. But wasn't really excited to opening defy one of Umbridge's new rules that banned all student run groups until further notice.

"You should still come tomorrow," George replied.

Remilda shook her head as she tapped the textbook with her hand, "I have too much work to do."

Lucy sighed and rolled her eyes, "I'll be right back." she said as she got up from her seat, leaving her stuff as she walked off. Remilda watched her walk around the Gryffindor table and to the other side of the Slytherin table.

Remilda stared at her for a moment and then looked at George, "What is she doing?" she asked.

"Getting you homework help I think," he replied, looking past Remilda towards Lucy. "regardless, you should come."

"Why?" she replied, "I really don't want to end up getting a detention, I'm not gonna play with a fire like that."

George rolled his eyes, "Says the girl who lied to the toad's face in detention." he reminded her.

"That was an entirely different circumstance," she retorted quickly as Fred Weasley plopped down beside his brother. "hey, Fred."

"Hey, Remilda..." he sighed heavily, "George, do you have notes from Snapes class?"

"I thought you got them," George replied, "what were you writing down?"

"Ideas for the Insta-Sick," Fred replied, "yours didn't work."

"It worked just not the way we wanted it to." George defended.

Fred rolled his eyes, "Tell that to Nigel who had to spend the weekend in the infirmary."

"He got sick, didn't he? We just had a bit of the measurements off so it lasted longer than a few hours."

"Is that the thing you wanted me to try last week?" Remilda asked, raising an eyebrow as she recalled the evening she rushed into the Gryffindor tower and they tried to get her to test something.

"You could have gotten out of classes for the rest of the week apparently," Fred replied.

For a few more minutes, Fred and George went back and forth about the positive and negative things about their creation. The whole time Remilda was trying to focus, but gave up and settled for just listening in until there was a gentle tap on her shoulder. As she turned towards Lucy, the twins fell silent too. Lucy had went and retrieved a boy that Remilda had only seen around. She'd never uttered a word to him or vice versa. He was in Potions with her and the most he ever said to her was snickering at something Malfoy, or more recently Snape said to her. He was in Charms with her as well, and he stayed in the back and never even got called on. He was a good few inches taller than Lucy, and his skin was a light olive tone. His eyes were dark brown, they almost looked as black as his hair.

"Remilda, this is Lorenzo Crouch," she introduced.

Lorenzo held out a hand towards her, "Nice to finally meet the new Potter around here," he paused, "so you need some homework help do you?"

Remilda quickly pulled her hand back and glared at Lucy, "No, I don't," she stated coldly, "sorry to waste your time."

"No waste at all," Lorenzo replied smoothly as he sat down beside Remilda and flashed her a smile.

"Bloody hell," George or Fred muttered under their breath.

"Diggory tells me that you have plans for tomorrow but are too good to forget about all this?" he sighed as he picked up her Transfiguration textbook which had her homework tucked inside of it.

"I just have to get it done, which I could have it done by dinner if I could have some peace and quiet." she said snatching her textbook out of his hands.

He sighed and slipped his hand on top of the Defense Against Dark Arts book that had been in front of her and slid it towards him and looked at where the papers of her homework were tucked. "Two days worth?" he asked and rose an eyebrow sharply, "Tell you what," he paused, "this is one-time-free-deal," he said as he quickly shut it and then put it ontop of her Herbology textbook and took them both.

"I don't need your help." Remilda retorted.

"Potter, you need to actually enjoy yourself a bit too." he said tucking the books under his arm and then shooting her a wink before walking back to the Slytherin table. "You owe me, Diggory." he said.

"Thanks, Crouch." she said less enthusiastically.

"What do you owe him?" Fred asked.

"Fifteen galleons,"

"You paid to have my homework taken from me and done for me!?"

George and Fred laughed, and Lucy snickered.

"You say that like it's a bad thing."

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