1.29 ϟ Awful to Great

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Remilda sat in her desk behind Lucy with her fingers clenched up into a fist. The back of her hand throbbed as the words 'I will not break the rules' were carving themselves into the back of her hand right beneath the scar she already had. Every time she wrote it, she felt even more hatred build up in her entire body as the woman in bright pink sitting in the front of the room, drinking tea. She couldn't even make herself say the name, she hated Umbridge. More than she already did before everything happened. But then she blamed the D.A. on Headmaster Dumbledore, and turned it into a way Dumbledore was going to fight the Ministry of Magic. So in the end, Dumbledore got chased out of Hogwarts practically, he was gone. And she was the stand in Headmistress when really it should have been McGonagall.

"Ah," Umbridge began, "well, I'm hopeful that with one more session after exams, you all will have learned your lesson." she stated as everyone began to bitterly pack up their things.

Remilda quickly hurried out of the room, holding her hand with her opposite sleeve to stop any bleeding that happened. She, along with many of the students who were first out, bitterly walked past Cho Chang who was waiting to talk to anyone who would listen to her apology which she had repeated numerous times apparently to Raelyn's room, and had attempted to say to Harry. But nobody was ready to hear it. Everyone was still too mad.

"Can you believe that Umbridge is making us do that again?" Hermione said sharply as the two of them made their way up the stairs to the Gryffindor tower

Remilda huffed out a long sigh, "I can't believe she's still here."

"I bet she won't be going anywhere soon either," Ron muttered from a few steps behind them. "How bad do you guys think the OWL's will really be while she's here?"

"I don't think they would be very enjoyable if she wasn't here," Remilda frowned, "but we would probably actually be ready for them if she had never come..."

Hermione sighed, "Well, at least we learned quite a bit from the D.A."

"Yes and now the Ministry knows that we were all apparently plotting against them so we probably won't do extremely well either." Remilda pointed out. Reminding Hermione about the confiscated list of names made Hermione's half hearted and hopeful smile fall off of her face.

A few days passed, and Remilda quite honestly hated every single second of each one. Umbridge really cracked down on everyone who had been a part of Dumbledore's Army. Remilda couldn't even walk to a class with any of them without Umbridge appearing and finding something to bark about. At least that was what it felt like. So in the first day of OWL exams, it was actually nice not having to hear that woman. Sure there was the fact that every few minutes everyone heard her loudly sip her tea, but compared to having her speak to them, it was nothing.

Remilda put her focus on the written exam before her on the history of Charms, she couldn't wait to get it over with. The presentation portion would hopefully be a bit better and less agonising. She glanced at Raelyn who was in the desk kitty corner from her, Raelyn's eyes were glued on the wooden desk and her head was resting on her hands. Her exam was already flipped over in the corner of her desk, so she must have been done already. Typical for her, Raelyn always managed to be good when it came to any type of exam. Even when their parents had them enrolled in a no-maj school before they went to Ilvermorny. Remilda wondered how much Raelyn had actually studied, Raelyn had really distanced herself from Remilda since their spat at the D.A. meeting. Hermione said Raelyn was just upset and worried about their father, which was partly true. But Remilda was positive that there was more to it than that.

The entire room rustled, and Raelyn jolted awake when they heard a loud bang outside of the Great Hall. Remilda looked over her shoulder and smiled. She had a good idea of what it was...

"And just like that? You're going to quit and leave?" Remilda asked from her comfortable seat next to George after everyone else had already gone to bed. "You're only a few months off from graduating."

George shrugged, "We're of age so they can't really stop us," he replied.

Remilda sighed heavily and put her head back on his shoulder, "I thought I'd at least get to finish off this year with you still here before next year."

He chuckled, "You're only a few months off from the year ending." he mimicked her response to him and Fred quitting school.

"Yeah, yeah..." she sighed, "when are you leaving?"

"Sometime tomorrow."

Then everyone's eyes flickered towards the pink toad at the front of the room. As there was another bang, Umbridge's eyes narrowed. A third bang, and Umbridge was on her way down the row of desks towards the door. And as she passed Remilda, Lucy turned around.

"What is that?" she asked.

"I think it's Fred and George," she whispered back as Umbridge angrily shoved the doors open.

She took a few steps out of the room. And then, everything went from great to awful for her but from awful to great for everyone else. Fred and George zoomed past her into the Great Hall. As they went through the room, everyone's exams flipped up into the air. And everyone began laughing and cheering as if that was it. But then George pulled out a handful of small versions of their fireworks and they all erupted and filled the Great Hall with loud bangs and echos as pink, purple, blue, white, and every other color imaginable were above the students.

Everyone began to cheer, and a lot of people were now out of their seats. While Umbridge was running about, trying to get everyone to get back in their seats. It was absolutely amazing. Umbridge looked like she was in a complete panic. But then, Fred and George quickly went past each other, giving each other a high five as Fred pulled out another firework and released it. But This time, it wasn't just a loud pretty thing. It burst and took the shape of a dragon. A bright red one that was so loud it was like it was actually growling. And it targeted the pink toad and chased it, rushing through the row of desks after her. And then when it finally caught her outside the Great Hall, it left her a mess and covered with soot. And the bang was so loud that all of Umbridges ridiculous rules crashed to the ground.

The Great Hall erupted into hysterical cheering.

Everyone was cheering on the twins as they zoomed out of the messed up Great Hall and out to the courtyard. And everyone, not just from OWL's but from other classes who had heard everything, followed. Still clapping, and hollering in excitement with it all. Remilda could have sworn she saw Professor Flitwick smile as the Weasley threw a few more fireworks and this time they burst in a shape of a 'W' in the sky. Then, they were gone.

Remilda Jane Potter  [1]Where stories live. Discover now