30 - Christmas

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Author's note: I'M SO LATE FORGIVE ME-

"Ready... set..!"

"Merry Christmas!" Every student at the school campus shouted.

The Christmas started with a very enthousiactic announcement of all of the activities. Depending on where you go in the school, (exept the dorms) different activities will be planned, so enjoy your visit!

Auditorium #1

"We'll have have a voting of... the best boy and best girl in school!" The host, Kaede Akamatsu announced

"yEAAAH!!!" The other students were obviously pumped up to vote and see the results.

"The survey is up! Scan this QR code with your phone to submit your best girl!" The aiditorium's projector flashed a QR code, and the survey's statistics next to it. (Vote for best gril if you want)

"Ooh, Chiaki's taking the lead here- Oh! Ibuki's slowly catching up to Chiaki!" Kaede's commentary was certainly firing up the students.

[I won't name the results so no one can be mad at me for putting someone else than their 1st best gril.]

"Well, it's time for the best boy's turn! Vote for your best boy right now!"

[Okay, same above]


While all of those fun activities were being carried out by various hosts, Hajime and Komaeda were peacefully sitting in the balcony of their adjacent rooms. Watching the lively scenery from the top and listening to the song Can't Sleep Love by Pentatonix was certainly entertaining for both of them.

[Play the audio on low volume, just to set the mood]

A certain familiar red-head was walking side-to-side with her best friend. Mahiru and Hiyoko were happily sharing some cotton candy.

"You know..." Hajime started ", I've been wondering to ask you something."

"Ah? What is it?" Komaeda raised his eyes to meet Hajime's.

"Do you think Kel's in love with Mahiru?"

"... I have no idea, and I don't think so."

"...! Oh there! Look, look!" Hajime pointed at Kel, who was supposedly sketching something on her sketchbook without paying attention to where she was walking.

Out of nowhere, Mahiru and Kel bumped into each other. From the guys' position, there was no way they could hear what was going on, but they got a pretty good grasp of what happened visually. Kel panicked while Mahiru tried to calm her down. Hajime focused even more and noticed the tiny blush against Kel's face.


"That was sharp." Komaeda chuckled in amusement and watched the blushing girl walk away at an extremely fast pace.

"Hmm... I wonder if Kirigiri has feelings for anyone."

"If she did, she'd probably hide them like a professional actor. She does have nice acting skills." Komaeda nodded. "Like that time she tricked me into doing her class duties back before you transfered in..." A sigh escaped Komaeda's mouth.


"Don't laugh...!" Komaeda softly hit Hajime's head with the back of his hand.

"Hey, now that I think about it... I have no where to go during winter break... aah, I can't go back to my house..."

"Well... You could come to my place, if you'd like. I live alone."

"Really?! Thanks!" Hinata smiled and gave the abino man a short peck on his reddening cheeks.

"No problem." Komaeda smiled.

"Hey... Komaeda?" Hajime shifted his weight over Komaeda's shoulder. "... Do you want to do it tonight?"

Komaeda tensed up and panicked for a slight second before speaking.

"Ha-Hajime, it's a sinful act to do it on Jesus' birthday, you know?" He wasn't thinking this through.

"It makes it funner, right? The naughtier, the better."

"Santa is watching..." Komaeda flicked Hajime's forehead. "And, no thanks."

"Aw, no fun." Hinata flinched.

"Hey, Hajime?"


"Love... for you, what is love?"


"Hmm... It's really hard to explain..."

"Right? Hmm... It's just this bubbly feeling... that can turn twisted... like.... like a... I have no idea..."

"Well... One thing for sure, I can say that this feeling is..."



"An undeniable feeling."

The end.

An Undeniable Feeling <Komahina>Where stories live. Discover now