24 - First Friend

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"No? Why not...?"


"I mean... I'm just worthless trash, after all. I don't deserve anything in life. People talk behind my back while they think that I'm clueless about this whole situation... Maybe ending my life would ease the life of everyone... I..." Komaeda's eyes were glistering because of the tears forming in them. "What did I do to deserve a person like you...?" Komaedas' forming tears finally started to drip out one by one.





"Komaeda..." Kel placed her hand on the bathroom door, firnly pressing her palm onto it. "I... I'm no good in those kind of situations..." She pursed her lips for a second. "Hell, I don't even know what kind of face you're making right now... but, I'll just tell you this."

She took a small moment to breathe.


Every single sound surrounding the two teenagers faded like a weak fire being blown away by a soft breeze.

"When you smile but you want to cry...
When you talk but you want to be quiet...
When you pretend like you're happy but you aren't...
I will always notice it.
Suicide doesn't necessarily end the pain...
It just passes it on to someone else that cares for you.
Someone that genuinely likes your company, and that will help you no matter what.
Always remember that no matter how useless you feel, you are someone's reason to smile."


Kel smiled.

"Especially me."


"W... Why do you care about me so much...?" Komaeda clenched his fist.

"Because... you're the first friend I've made..." She said timidely.


"I... I think I'll take a nap on your bed... I'm already tired from what happened this morning."

"Go ahead."

With a swift movement, Komaeda flopped over the bed and closed his eyes.

"Have a nice rest." Kel calmly said from the other side.

Author's note: I'm sorry this chapter isn't very long ;

An Undeniable Feeling <Komahina>Where stories live. Discover now