16 - Vandalism

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Author's note: here cum dat smut
(( no but forreal, warning, if ya don't like it, go away. It's like really really visual ))

3rd person P.O.V.

[ One minute before 12, ask Hinata where the bathroom is. He'll excort you to where it is and the drug will take over him. If he refuses to go do it with you, rub his bulge a bit. It'll work. Don't forget to keep acting drunk. I leave the rest to you ;> ]

Komaeda dragged Hajime out of the platform.

"Hey, where's tha' bathroom?" He tugged on Hajime's vest.

"Oh, follow me." Hajime replied and held Komaeda's hand to the bathroom. 12 o'clock striked and Komaeda was anxiously hoping that the drug would work at the right time.

It did.

Both of them in front of the bathroom, Hajime was craving for human contact. "H-Hey, Komaeda?"

" 'Wassup?" Komaeda turned to Hajime.

"... N-No, nothing..." Hajime laughed nervously.


"Ah... Hinata..."

Komaeda looked downwards. "...You're hard."

... A deep blush tainted Hajime's face.

"Y-Yknow, I can help you with that, if you want me too..~" Komaeda smirked and licked his lips.

"Or maybe you'd want Koizumi instead of me..?" Komaeda scratched the back of his head.

... Hajime smiled.


Or rather smirked.

"I'd choose you over anything, baby~" He whispered in a low tone, pushing Komaeda in the bathroom and going in too, closing the door behind him and locking it securely.

"You're mine, now..." Hajime was fully controlled by the drug as he smashed his lips against Komaeda's. He slid his tongue in the middle of Komaeda's luscious lips, going for a french kiss.

A couple of muffled moans came out of their mouths while Hinata was gradually unbuckling Komaeda's pants and sliding them down.

At this point, Komaeda was mentally freaking out.

'Do I stop him?- Do I let him do this?- Do I join in the fun? Will he remember this afterwards? aaaAAAHHH'

Hajime noticed the concerned expression on Komaeda's face and backed out.

"Komaeda..? Do you not... want to do this?" He cutely tilted his head, directing his sad little eyes on the floor.

"T-That's not!- I mean... " Komaeda paused a bit to think of an actual answer. " I mean, I'm just trash so... Why tha' hell would ya do stuff like that to me?" He also didn't forget to act drunk.

"Then, let me suck the trash outta you."

Komaeda made a step back.

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