19 - Fingers

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Author's note: I have no idea if I should face reveal bcause I don't like how I look aaaa
Also, I'm sorry for not updating oftenly, I'm a bit busy with school and all ^^;
I'll also be putting love triangles so beware :')

Hajime Hinata's P.O.V.

Bless this sheet of paper.

To think that something as simple as a sketch could make me feel such a pleasured rush.

A sketch of Komaeda being fucked, but the paper was at the point of view of the person fucking Komaeda. His expression was nicely drawn, even though it was really roughly made. It was a sketch, after all. His bare chest and abdominals were shown on the paper.

I went back to class after doing...


The bell rung, but there weren't any teachers. ha.

"Hello." Komaeda greeted me as I entered the classroom.


"Gimme that-" He quickly reached inside my pocked and took the sheet of paper. I panicked and tried taking it back, but he already opened the paper.


"... Y-You pervert!!-"  He crunched up the paper with one hand and threw it at me like a pro baseball player.

"O-Ouch!!-" It hurt like hell. "I didn't even draw it, so it's not my fault, right?!-"

"B-but, y-you went directly in the b-bathroom with it!- D-Did you... did you really j... ja... ck o..off... t.. to... it..." Komaeda's cheeks were getting hotter at every passing second. His eyes were nervously looking towards my chest.

"Uh." I looked aside. "Who knows."

"Probably." whothefucksaidthat

I turned around. "Huh? Kel?"

"Yo." She smiled. She was wearing an oversized hoodie. "I sure do love my gays." She said as she picked up the crumpled up paper and gave it back to me. I pushed the hand back.

"Gays? You know I'm in a relationship with Mahiru, right?" I defended myself.

"Oh." She looked at the class... ... . . .

"Who is she again"

I facepalmed myself.

"Hey! I know that we're in the same class, but you can't blame me for not attending it!" She frowned and pinched her hoodie strings.

"Let me go get her." I sighed and walked to her. I politely asked Mahiru to come and join me as she did. We went towards Kel.

"U.. uh... h.. hi..."

Woah, Kel's nervous as fuck-

"Ah, hello. My name's Mahiru Koizumi. Nice to meet you!" She smiled warmly.

"Uh... thanks ..." ...

She flicked herself on the forehead.

"I mean, my name's Kel... Nice to meet you, I guess..." She looked down to the floor.

"Yeah. Bye!" Mahiru waved her hand to Kel and went back to Hiyoko.

Kel let out an traumatized sigh. It was shivering and trembling. "I..."

"I'm scared of people's judgement about me..." She clutched her fist. "Shit. She probably hates me or something, ahh fuck me..." She sighed again and closed her eyes.

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