18 - Paper

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Author's note: I put a lil doodle of myself on the top so you can mildly visualise how I look like :')
(or maybee I just don't wanna take a pic of myself ha)

Nagito Komaeda's P.O.V.

Ding Dong!

Finally, it's lunch time!

Hajime, Ibuki and I grouped up in front of Kel's dorm. Ibuki knocked.

"who dis"

"It's Ibuki!"

"..."  A few moments later, the door opened. "Sorry, I was on the phone with Renee right now..."
(( :") I honeslty don't know you alot, so maybe describe yourself a bit to me? Like your appearance/characteristics/likes/dislikes? And you won't really appear in this chapter, but I'll be sure to put you later on 👌🏻 ))

"But I just wanna ask something!" Ibuki yelled. "Pleaaaasee!!"


"CAN YOU DRAW PORN OF THEM-" Ibuki posed like Will Smith to showcase Hajime and I.

We both did not agree to this.


"yeah sure I'll slide the drawings under your door tomorrow... 'kay bye." Kel closed the door.


"wHAT NO-" Hajime and I yelled at the same time.

"Shut up! You're too loud!" Kel yelled from the other side.

Ibuki ran away.



s i g h.

Both Hajime and I felt despair crawling onto our backs.

Suddenly, the door opened. "Ah shit, is Ibuki already gone?" Kel looked around and sighed. "Actually, you guys." We both looked at her. "You with the white floof, come here."

"uh, sure..." I stood up in front of her. She started staring at me with intensity. I got really nervous and started fidgeting around.

"You, there." Hajime turned his head and looked at her, emmiting a small 'hm?'. "Makes sure no one comes in the hallway."

She pulled up my shirt.


She stared blankly at my torso and chest while I was blushing at every passing second. She sometimes rubbed my hips, making me shiver from times to time. "D... Don't touch me like that...!"

"Oh..? But, don't you like these sort of things, you masochist..." Kel slowly mumbled, loud enough so that Hajime could hear it too.

"T-That's not-!"

"Look, Mr. Ahoge has his 'second ahoge' just pointed up." Kel grinned and laughed while Hajime just blushed and turned the other way. She let me go. "I have a good idea of who's the sub and dom now, thanks!" She went back to her room and closed the door, leaving us alone.


"Let's go..? To class....?" I said while laughing nervously.

"I'll just masturbate in the bathro-" Hajime got cut off by a loud crash.

Kel opened the door. "Have this." She gave Hajime a folded paper. "It's just a sketch, but It'll help." She went back and closed the door.

Hajime opened the paper.

He closed it.

"bye" He quickly ran.

"W-Wait what!?-" I tried chasing after him, but he was just too fast and quickly went out of my sight. "The hell..." I sighed.


I'll ask Hajime about the paper later.

I went back to class before him.

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