29 - Problems

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And more work.

Time was unraveling at an inhuman speed.

"So, with everything prepared, let's check everything one last time!" Kaede fist pumped the air.

That's right.

It was the day before the Christmas party.

"Yeah!!" The other students fist pumped the air.

Those hard-working students really worked hard to make the best Christmas party they could have.


"Well, everyone better get a good night's sleep, because we're going to be very energetic tomorrow!" Kaede, who was the leader, said. "I'm sure you'll be glad to finally see your parents again! Good night!"

It was almost time for the real deal.

Komaeda and Hajime were walking back to their room.

"Um..." Komaeda looked towards Hajime.

"Hm? What's up, Komaeda?"

"I was wondering... That uh..."

"You're stuttering way too much, how unusual..." Hajime laughed and kept walking.

"A-Anyway!... Are you going to stay anywhere this christmas? Like, for the holidays... do you go back to your family?" Komaeda followed Hajime.

"No, not really... You?"

"Me neither... Can I ask why?"

Hajime smiled.

"Well, I never did tell anyone about my wrist... But I'm pretty sure Kirigiri figured out all of my past already."

"Huh? What happened to your wrist?"

"... Let's talk about it in your room, okay?"



Both of them were laying down on Komaeda's bed, with only their boxers on. The main lights were closed and a small lamp table near Hajime was open.

"Well, take a look for yourself." Hajime showed his wrist to Komaeda.

Faint cuts and light burn marks were visible. Komaeda's eyes widened upon the sight of it.


"It's okay, it doesn't hurt or anything."

"... W-What happened?"

"Every one of these scars were done by my parents to me." Hajime smiled and looked over it. "I... I wasn't good like my parents. They were... flawless. They excelled in everything. Each time I messed up, I had to suffer from punishment..." He closed his eyes. "and my brother came in scene."

"You have a brother?"

"I do. His name is Kamukura Izuru. An utterly perfect human being. He was nice to everyone, and literally has the entire world's potential. My parents would always compare him to me." Hajime gulped. His throat was dry. "And... My parents forced me to make human modifications, and didn't even care about the risks of it. They didn't care if I was going to be a failure or not. And that's where I got my high physical endurance from."

Komaeda was listening very carefully at all of Hajime's story.

"I ran away. And now, I'm here." Hajime laughed half-heartedly. "My parent are probably looking everywhere for me... Just because I got enhanced strength. I hate them... I-If only my brother would have said at least one thing to... to... to stop the..the sur... gery..." Hajime's eyes were watery as he quickly turned the other side. "f-fuck... don't... look at me..."

Komaeda gulped and softly held Hajime's hip. "...Sorry, I'll stop asking you about it if you don't want to talk about it..."

"No... It's okay... I'm already done telling everything... It's just that... well... I... I'm willing to make a family with you, Komaeda."


"W-Wha!?-" Komaeda's face flushed.

"I..! I mean..! I want us to have a perfect and peaceful life... W-With kids, maybe?"

Komaeda couldn't process this naturally.

"We're too young to discuss about this right now-!"

"I know, I know..." Hajime smiled and turned his face to Komaeda. "You know what, Komaeda?"


"Once we graduate, I will marry you."

Komaeda's head exploded. "hh-Hi-Na-HinAt-HinaA-taAa-"

"Pff... You're so cute..." Hajime hugged Komaeda's frail body. "But we still have to sleep..."

"Yeah... You're right..." Komaeda smiled and let Hajime's hug warm him up through the winter cold.

"Good night."

"Good night."

They both couldn't really describe what they were feeling inside their heart. It was just a cluster of emotions stuck inside of them. But one thing for sure, is that they were feeling warm all over their insides.

An Undeniable Feeling <Komahina>Where stories live. Discover now