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"Daisy got engaged?" I repeated.

Savannah was crying with tears of happiness. I had only seen her cry like this during movies. She nodded her head in confirming my question. I chuckled and wiped away her tears.

"Two can play at that game." I whispered.

"Oh shut up, Joe." She pulled away smiling.

I pulled her back towards me, hugging for a while.

"She's also asked me to be the maid of honor." She stated in between breaths.

"That's awesome, congratulations babe." I cheered.

Later on that day, I sent Daisy a congratulations text. Savannah told me that they wouldn't be saying anything to anyone, apart from close friends. Savannah and I went over to Zoe and Alfie's that night with packed bags. We were staying over and hanging out with them. And for another millionth time, Zoe asked if Savannah were yet annoyed of me.

All four of us were chatting, eating, editing, and playing games. Before going to bed, Zoe gave me the traditional relaxation mask as well as for Savannah. After the bath, I played the big spoon as Savannah had her arms wrapped around my chest and breathed softly to sleep. Her and I were almost inseparable, and definitely perfect for one another.

If I wasn't the one being clingy, she was. If we got into a fight, we didn't storm off and away from each other, we sat down and worked it out. If she or I showed any hint of jealousy, the other would constantly remind the other how they love them. I was finally getting close to Mocha, who was really large now, and Savannah loved it. The only time she didn't like me and Mocha together is when Mocha wouldn't listen to her and only to me which happened quite often.

We had taken a couple of vacation trips together, keeping the romance up and coitus to a daily or every other day. She ended up getting some surgery done so she couldn't get pregnant. I told her about what if we were ready one day, and she said they could just untie whatever they had done to her area. My life had taken such a great leap into happiness, that only sometimes my depression would creep back up. and most of the time I didn't really have a reason until I would start overthinking.

I had gotten so terrified one night because of a dream that I had. It was that of Savannah leaving me, and no matter how many times I shouted her name, she didn't turn around. It was a night that she was out with some friends she had made, so when she came back, she found me crying in the shower with some pills ready to go.

She had gotten upset, at first blaming herself, until she knew it was something I couldn't control myself and that it would just happen. She called Caspar over, the one who had seen me in the same situation one too many times. Caspar show her his routine. He would make me vomit anything I had swallowed, run a warm bath, light some candles, and play low soft music. After the bath, he showed her how he would make me a certain snack that I'd only eat at times like these. After all the crying was done, I would fall back asleep.

Usually I only remembered the times of the being taken care of, and not the times to when I'd actually go out and swallow some unknown pills. I don't know why I'd do it, and after the first two nights, Savannah had finally convinced me to see someone about it. Within months, I was feeling better. I'd still get sad, but not to the point of suicidal.

Sometime I would find Savannah crying herself to sleep, and when it got too much for me to handle, I changed my ways. Seeing my therapist was to a minimum after a few more months and I was now in control. I didn't have any more episodes, and we were back on track. Back to the happy couple we were in the beginning.

Daisy and Kian's wedding occurred in November and all went swell. Savannah and I got a little buzzed but did loads of dancing. Daisy and Kian's honeymoon was set in Hawaii and after they left, we were allowed to stay at Daisy's apartment. There were boxes around, showing signs that Kian was moving in.

That night, Savannah and I had one last dance for the night. We swayed to soft music, kissing slowly and passionately. When we pulled apart, I stared at her. In awe and admiration. We had gone through so much together, that everything was settling in. She is who I am in love with. She is who I want to grow old with. She is the love of my life.




There is no escape from destiny.

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