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10:38 PM

"Babe." I called after taking my shirt off and getting into bed.

Savannah was looking over the pictures that she had taken on her phone from throughout the day, deciding which to edit and then put on Instagram.

"Yes?" she asked, still staring at her phone.

"Look at me." I demanded softly.

She turned to me. "What is it?"

"Alfie wanted to make sure we were okay with the bits where we came out together."

She put her phone down and then sat facing towards me, thinking for a bit. "I think I'm ready to let people know." She hesitated. "I'm tired of having to hide it. Hide us. What do you think?"

I exhaled, thinking, and then grabbed my phone. I went to Snapchat and faced the camera towards us. I began recording.

"I think it's time we tell them." I spoke to the camera.

Her eyes widened and she let out a smile. "You're finally going to tell them you're gay?" she cheered.

I began laughing hard because I was not expecting that. I had to put my phone down, and we laughed together. After calming down, I saved the video to my memories but didn't post it. I was shirtless and she claimed that she looked awful.

"You look beautiful, love." I kissed her.

"No, but, really. Should we go out and tell everyone?" she whispered.

I grabbed her hand. "I'll do whatever you want. If you want to tell the whole world you are dating the most handsome man you've ever met, then I won't stop you."

She chuckled, shaking her head as she playfully pushed me. "I'm serious, Joe."

"Hi Sirius." I grinned. She rolled her eyes and then got out of bed. "Where are you going?" I asked, but she kept on walking. Not answering, I got out of bed and followed behind as she made her way towards the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Making some hot chocolate, my throat is dry." She stated.

"Want some?"

"Yeah, I'm a bit thirsty as well."

"Nice to meet you Thirsty, I'm Savannah." She grinned.

I shook my head, "That was lame." I walked up to her, hugging from behind as she began the process of making our drinks. "What social media app do you want to announce it to first?" I whispered.

She turned around and my hands moved down to her waist.

"I was thinking Twitter or Snapchat first, but then I figured why not just post a photo on Instagram with no caption. We both post a photo, different photos, that hint we're together." She explained.

"I wasn't listening to a word you said. I was too busy staring at your lips." I said low.

She moved my chin up to make eye contact. "I really, really, like you Joe." She mumbled.

"I like you, too." I smiled, and we kissed a couple of times. My hand was sliding up, until we heard someone clear their throat. We both turned and saw none other than Kian and Daisy.

"Didn't mean to interrupt, but we were wondering if you had any hot chocolate." Kian stated.

I pulled away from Savannah as she told them that we were already making some. I sat with them at the counter as Savannah made everyone the drinks.

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